Rimann hypothesis is ... false
Jo?l Wanza, Ph. D
Marking out next generation of microprocessors | Simulation Chief Architect @SiPearl | ESSEC & Mannheim Executive MBA | Semiconductor expert
In mathematics, the Riemann hypothesis is a conjecture that the Riemann zeta function has its zeros only at the negative even integers and complex numbers with real part. Many consider it to be the most important unsolved problem in pure mathematics (Bombieri 2000). https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypoth%C3%A8se_de_Riemann
What if he was wrong but right in experiments ? That's the question to modern supercomputers ! My laptop has it own answer ! This zero is like a black hole, the road to the infinite maybe.
The binarization method suggests more solutions of the zeta function at OR after 0.5 point (real set) into 2D from the first 2000 digits of the prime numbers list: