Rigidity And Flexibility: The Capability Spectrum
In this day and age, life still is too short not to do the things we want to do, and live the life we want to live.
Understandably, it will take time for many of us to work towards our ideal situation or pivot to a more ideal one.
But, the process in itself of how you get there is also essential.
Some of us work better in flexible, fluid, hands-off situations online, remotely, or working whenever needed (9 AM and 9 PM not making a difference).
And others work better in-office, with rigidity, lots of structure, and very hands-off help, support, and guidance.
Neither one is bad itself, and both have their perks.
You have to figure out which one is best for you, your goals, and your family though, as roadblocks to those things ARE bad.
A good challenge at the moment, but chronic if not resolved at a decent time.
We are almost in Q2 already of another year!
We gotta get going, even if you aren’t anywhere close to your end game.
Totally okay, so keep it moving.