Rights Every Working Woman Should Know

Rights Every Working Woman Should Know

Have you ever witnessed casual sexism at work or heard of others’ experiences? Well, I can almost hear a big, unanimous ‘yes’. Our society’s work ecosystem is highly patriarchal with gender-targeted obstacles ensuring women have a harder time.?

From work systems to measures of performances, from task allocation to the perception of our biological needs, the bias exists evidently and everywhere. It is important for women to know their rights as employees, to know what they deserve and what they can fight against.?

It is so important to be aware of your rights as a working woman because if you aren’t, it will be easier for others to violate them.

Your employer is bound to address sexual harassment complaints?

Many women face sexual harassment in the workplace. It can include anything sexual that is non-consensual and makes a woman feel uncomfortable. According to The Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013, every company must have an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC). If it’s a small company with less than 10 employees, the employer must address it at the Local Complaints Committee (LOC). If an employer tries to dismiss your complaint, make sure you remind them of their responsibility as per law. In fact, employees are instructed to conduct orientations and workshops and do whatever they can to make the workplace safe for women.

You can’t be fired during your maternity leave

The bias against women has been around since forever. Our biological aspects are often seen as a liability. As if women getting pregnant has nothing to do with the continuation of human race and involves a very potent contribution from our male counterparts. It is a shared, humane responsibility that allows genders to co-exist. Yet, pregnancies and menstruation are held against women when it comes to opportunities of employment and growth.?

While many women struggle to not be dropped off important projects and promotion opportunities, law states an employer cannot fire them due to pregnancy. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, gives women the legal right to take a maternity leave, without worrying of losing their financial security.?

Unmarried women are entitled to maternity benefits too

Our society may stigmatise out-of-wedlock pregnancies in many demographics, but the legal fact is that a single, unmarried mother has the same rights as a married one. An unmarried mother can still avail all the maternity benefits as they are not linked to your marital status. Don’t let an employer or a manager tell you otherwise.

You can refuse heavy work during the last month of your pregnancy

Many women, feel anxious in the last month of their pregnancies, as they fear they will be seen as disposable or become redundant if they let go of their responsibilities. Many abusive managers also feel entitled to all your time and energy as an employee, even though you are pregnant. Many companies require gender sensitisation to make workplaces more women-friendly.?

Having said that, if you are in the last month of pregnancy, you are allowed to refuse any tedious, physically tiring work and it cannot be held against you.

You can take legal action against gender-based pay disparity

The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976, says if two employees are doing the same work, they should get equal pay. This means that if a man is getting a much higher pay for doing the exact same work as you, a legal complaint can be made against it.?

The act also states that no discrimination should be made against women with regards to promotion, offer of employment, etc.?

Women working in factories must be given occupational safety

Factories hiring women workers have to ensure occupational safety for them. They are bound to provide a separate toilet facility for women. If there are more than 30 female employees, a creche facility must be provided. Women working in the night shift must be assured with safety. Any employer failing to provide these to their female workers can be jailed for two years or have to pay a monetary fine.


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