Rights of Citizens Versus Corrupt Regimes

Today, I write with a heavy heart, seeing the direction our world heads, nation after nation, turning to autocratic means to control citizens. So called democracies run by police states, fascist to the extent that Hitler would be proud. All to protect the vested interests of the fossil fuel industry, global transport, agri-industry, pharmaceuticals and chemical producers and so forth, that are in effect destroying life on our planet earth. The pollution invading our soils, waterways from where it ends in our oceans, causing vast areas of dead areas, plastic island continents, as micro plastics everywhere, we breathe pollution and eat pollution today. This without contemplating climate change and all its horrific hazards that are uprooting lives of developing nations mercilessly.

Whilst those who pollute, rule our world, as if there is nothing better for us citizens to turn to. Their vested interests, legalised corruption (recent decisions taken by the USA Supreme Court examples of how far reaching their tentacles are embedded in evil governance), the lobbying of corporations in the hearts of governance, including misinformation, prepared by their own experts which, under any decent rules of law would be considered at the least, conflicts of interest, are instead accepted with utter impunity.

If anyone wonders why the above video has been posted, it is to demonstrate, one decent goodhearted leader, honest to the core, who is standing for the rights of his citizens, against powerful odds, that is, a Supreme Court, the chief of the armed forces, and immensely corrupt politicians who rule the nation now for two months. After arriving in the powerful corridors through immensely illegal means, including the open horse trading of parliamentarians, seventeen Judases, bought with millions of dollars, and entertained with prostitutes and more, at a five star Marriott Hotel, till the votes of no confidence took place. The government imposed so illegally, consists of sixty members of a huger cabinet in a very poor nation, are according to Pakistan's courts, crooks and criminals, murderers too. The PM included I must add here. These gangsters have imposed new laws to no longer investigate their corruption of billions of dollars, change voting laws to enhance the rigging of elections, and much worse, only in two months. They dare not show their faces in public because of the insults hurled at them. The nation, rightly, is outraged.

Yes under these dire consequences, one decent, humane leader, of a calibre our world needs desperately everywhere, Imran Khan, has awoken his peoples of 250 million, to fight to the end, to change this highly illegal setup. Whereby, the two corrupt parties that had been ruling one after the other, for three decades, raping the nation of all its wealth which they invested in assets and billionaire bank accounts in the west. These small fries, corrupt to the souls, formed an alliance to come back into power once again, fully backed by the corrupt military and other institutions mentioned earlier. Imran Khan has shown them up for what they are, and in his speech last night, said Pakistan needs no external enemies, they are all within the nation, destroying it. How correct he is!

It suffices to say, under PM Imran's three + years in government, in every sense, the country began to take off economically. He had inherited a bankrupt nation, that he turned around through extreme hard work, good economic decisions, good trade policies, excellent policies under the duress of COVID held as an example by WHO, and so much more. Within two months the evil lot has destroyed it all. Inflation is rampant, prices of all necessary commodities have skyrocketed, the 25 million below poverty line that could barely eat one meal a day through daily earnings, now have that meal threatened as well.

One does not lose hope thanks to a leader who shows compassion and empathy for the suffering of his people. The nation has awakened as last night demonstrated at his call for his followers in Pakistan's capital city. Millions additionally, in all the major cities of the nation where he was broadcasted by his party, and at least a million, showed up in Islamabad to hear him. Of the twenty five nation's TV channels, shamefully, considering they call themselves a democracy, only four channels showed this event, never before seen in the country's history. The four channels were watched by millions, the other rubbish hardly had audiences... Pakistan is showing the world, under evil regimes, under no matter what the duress is, whether beating up journalists cruelly, whether arresting many citizens, whether killing many others, whether filing false cases against all those who are standing for the rights of their citizens, nothing will hold up. Because there is nothing quite as strong as Justice for the Rights of Citizens, Truth and belief in Goodness gives citizens a strength that these halfwits in power cannot understand. The nation, under its powerful leader has awakened as a dragon after deep sleep....

Lastly, I would say, Pakistan today, is an example of what is good in a nation, and also, horrifically all that is evil. The head (known as chief who cannot see beyond his forehead, a nincompoop of the first order and traitor to the nation) of its armed forces is the face of evil. The Supreme Court judges are the faces of evil. Those in the cabinet of the illegal government, one and all, again, are faces of evil... They have corrupted all institutions, killing, arresting those who stand for the righteous within these two months, once again to protect their ill gotten wealth and fortunes....

Imran Khan, without a doubt, is the only option for the survival of Pakistan as a respectful nation, huge respect for his millions of followers, its citizens, (in which not for a second do I include the evil ruling elite, pompous, brains the level of idiocy, brats and gangsters living in a fool's paradise). Hats off especially to Imran Khan's supporters, hats off to himself, his party members, those journalists risking their lives for his righteous, humanitarian cause, all the women, children, the elders, who come out in massive numbers in support, and indeed for the cause of human decency and a social welfare state itself.

Annette Maie, Phd.

Freelance performer, educator and writer on Wangal country. #forloveofgaia #ulurustatementfromtheheart #alwayswasalwayswillbe #YES23

2 年



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