Right your core before you right the world
As the first step of preparing to become an effective leader
The views published in this article and on this forum are entirely my personal
Have you ever wondered as to why some people laugh when they see others suffer, some remain unconcerned, and some end up crying? It is the same suffering, why is our response so different?
Probably those who cry are prepared to become social leaders more than the rest!
My point is that the inner state of individuals defines how they perceive the events and ultimately it results into the leadership potential of a team (I will continue writing on the later part in future). No matter what the hardships / pleasures / comforts are in the environment, if a group of any kind (world, country, society, company etc.) has more “prepared leaders”, that group will prevail. Crisis is just a filter for some of us to shine and others to get exposed.
But before we discuss the dry part of this interesting hypothesis, I would like to narrate an experience that you can all relate to (hopefully about matters other than food).
I am a foodie so much so that I kind of dream of good food to an extent that the word “Taste” is a synonym of “Pleasure”. And when a foodie like me keeps fast during Ramadan, imagine what would happen to his / her mind especially before Maghrib - when a passionate, daylong starved is around the sweet smelling, beautifully presented food and can’t taste it. No piece of solid gold can value that plate of gold-glittering French Fries lying next to Pakoras.
But as soon as my tummy is full, the left-over same food at the table is just food that has no use. I would usually give to others to find some use of a thing that once more precious than a gold bar. The food moved from being priceless to worthless for me in just 15 minutes without any change in it. The conclusion: It was the internal state that mattered when I defined the value of things. When I say, “my beloved appears so beautiful to me, and I wonder what other could have been possibly created to surpass her beauty”, you can relate to it.
Coming back to the dry part of discussion, while some people look at sufferings of others and get energy to make the world a better place, there are others who look at the same suffering and find their mind planning ways to exploit it. The same suffering became the reason of a positive revolution or a negative struggle.
If it is always the case that how an event is perceived and processed by our inner core in our deep personalities is probably the only factor driving our response, is it not more important to get our inner selves right before we even think about our ability to right the wrongs in others. For those who assume responsibilities, it has already become crucial. They already may have chosen to become Professor X or Magneto (for X-Men fans) as they decide to use their “mutation” (when they mutate with their jobs).
We have discussed in the article I published on December 12 of year 2021, that Void:1 - Peace:0 is the birth of a leader. Continuing the same, I once again propose that it is important to understand that what lies beneath our skin will define whether that created vacuum inside us will end up translating itself into a constructive force or a destructive one. Preparing oneself to be a constructive agent during the Void is probably the hardest battle one may have opted or wished for.
Mohandas Gandhi said, “Nobody can hurt me without my permission”. Nature gives / creates “The Void” in us not to hurt us but to steer us towards a direction. My point is that first step in preparing to become a leader is just increasing our ability to choose the same that we have been intending to in the face of an event that compels us to make a choice. ??
When superman was a child, he gets beaten but controls his anger. To which his earth father says, “You are not just anyone. One day, you're going to have to make a choice. You have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be. Whoever that man is, good character or bad, it's going to change the world”.
It appears that we all are supermen in our lives, all do is to choose what we end up giving to this world. ?
It is still Void: 1 - Peace: 0. The half time is approaching, and we have suffered for the most part of it. ?Lets see what happens now in my perceived process of learning leadership