Right Wing "Wanted" Left Wing Politics to "Want" this COVID-19-Lockdown ? ...To Fatten or Flatten the Flat Curve ?
Joannes Sevenhans
Alcatel Academy Distinguished Member_2001 ...IEEE_Fellow_2000 for contributions to the design of solid state telecommunication transceivers ...PhD 1984 KULeuven ...Semi-retired ...Always looking for a next project ...
"I want you to want me.", is a nice "Cheap Trick" song since 1979 ... But a lot of people went from earth to heaven or hell ...
The graphs of the European mortality numbers give you something to think about ...
Suddenly mid April 2020, EUROMOMO stopped providing the numbers of 2017 ...
The compare the numbers of 2020 with previous years, is not easy as journalism enjoys to spread wild sensation more than correct information ...
- Left wing information can be right or wrong ...
- Right wing information can be wrong or right ...
- Journalism and/or politics can jump from left wing to right wing in no time to get more sensation and make people buy their story and read the "stuff" they write without any scientific nor professional back ground and/or to make them vote for them in the next election.
What will we, the people, want to remember for the future, from the past months in the CPC="COVID Political Circus" and the lock down ?
3D = Digital Direct Democracy : a new global movement of the brave citizen
Best lyricist , mathematician , Father of upcoming two scientific branches
4 年Gorden bobic, yes I agree , such stand is always not right. But "argument of moderation " is also not universal, it all depends on context. I can give you justification. In capitalistic countries , when people excessively run behind money consume excessively then it harms nature .. At other side , socialism in some country boosted? fascism. Which model is right , which should be adapted for what period is depend on country.
Certified MySQL/MariaDB and Linux Specialist
4 年Part of the problem is that left and right wing mean different things to different people. The two terms have gotten severely muddled up over the last 65 years. There is wide agreement that "left wing" ideology means socialist or communist (Marxist). But in this we willfully turn a blind eye to the inconvenient fact that nazi was short for "national socialist" and that Mussolini, the "inventor" of fascism, was in fact a radical member of the Italian socialist party, until they booted him out for being too radical. Lenin even sent them a letter to scorn them for it. And yet today we consider those ideologies "far right" rather than "far left". A completely opposite definition of "right wing" in common use today is based on free market libertarianism, and favours the notion of state being as small as possible and focusing only on law enforcement, national defense, and at a push maybe stretch to a small amount of utility infrastructure. So before the question you pose can be reasonably answered, I think we would first have to agree on what left vs right actually means. Is it big-state totalitarianism vs. small state libertarianism? Or is it some other definition we are using?