The Right Time To Leave Or Quit Work

I was flying from KL to Manila today when I was seated next to a man who caught me looking over his laptop monitor. He was writing his resignation letter. He smiled at me to make me feel that it's alright that I looked. "So, do you think I should quit my job now?". I smiled back with a heavy breath, remembering the dozens of times I've been asked the same thing. "Well, if you really want to leave by hook or by crook, do you already have a job waiting for you after this?". He couldn't hear me as we were in the middle where it was noisy, so I repeated. He couldn't hear me still so I had no choice but to write down my answer. This time, I wrote something shorter. I typed this on my phone and showed it to him: "Don't leave before you need to leave."

While most companies have a 1-3 month notification policy for resignations, this is not enough for your job hunting time which averagely takes 3-6 months. Yes, it takes THAT time folks. Trust me, during your jobhunting process, you will be half of the time underqualified for a position that you like, or overqualified for a position that you will easily spot. Just like dating, it takes patience to find the right one, and the one that will call you back.

Here's my request: don't let your emotions take you over. Wait for a bit and only hand in that resignation letter when you have surely accepted and signed the employment contract of your next, new company. Don't even resign when you're still in the interview stage---it's just too risky. Don't resign immediately if you're planning to set up your own business that isn't even stable yet. I have so many friends and colleagues who dismissed this and simply said, "I've had enough, I can't take it anymore! I'm quitting!"---only to regret that they should have resigned much later (and please, don't forget the annual bonuses! Stay and get them first before you resign if it's just 1 to 3 months away!). My friends who resigned too early find themselves struggling for 3 to 5 months more with no salary, and with all the heavy pressures of having to find a job. You don't want to end up in this situation especially when you don't have enough savings to keep your current lifestyle. In many cases, this is the top reason why people end up getting a new job that they didn't want, or a job that pays less---because they have no choice but to finally get one since they've run out of money. So please wait, because you can avoid this to happen. You CAN control this.

Finally, remember that quitting your job doesn't only mean letting go of your monthly salary. Think about of the other company benefits that you will forego while you're on job hunt mode. Your company phone that gives you free calls and Internet. Your medical insurance. Your company car (or gas for some lucky folks). These are ALL costs that you need to factor in if you end up using your savings because you're jobless. The same thing goes when you plan to set up your own business. These are now going to be accrued from your own pockets. So are you ready?

Don't leave before you need to leave. Take the time to look for a new job, use your leaves to attend interviews (and yes, there will be times that you have to sneak out during lunch time), and understand that it takes time to shift. If you're expecting to leave in the next 6 to 8 months, start refreshing your Linked In profile and submit your resumes as early as NOW. Don't wait for 2 to 3 months---you'll only end up cramming!

If you're a budding entrepreneur, continue building and growing your business and leave only when you have a stable customer base. Yes, you will be juggling a crazy work life balance, but we all know by now that to gain means to have pain. And yes, you will probably be slightly irresponsible as you do this. You will probably do some of your personal business emails at work, you will probably be on leave many times to attend to your start-up, you will probably be slower in submitting reports and presentations because you have another "company" to attend to. This is normal and you have to balance this emotionally and physically. But don't quit unless you've cracked the puzzle. Don't leave before you -really- need to leave.

If you're reading this with the plan of wanting to leave and quit, I hope this gives you a better, and bigger view of things. I'm lucky to have learned my lessons earlier. Lessons from my own mistakes and my friends and colleagues. You don't need to be one of us, but you can partake in avoiding what we've been through. And to Anthony who I met on the plane, good luck!

#quitting #resignation #leaving #work


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