Is it right time to be Data scientist?

Is it right time to be Data scientist?

According to Glassdoor, in 2016 data science was the highest paid field to get into.

Of course, this follows the basic laws of economics - supply and demand. The demand for data science is very high, while the supply is too low, infact the world will have an estimated shortage of half a million data science people by 2020.

why you should start today ?

  • Everyday in data science is a play day.
  • Data insights are like discoveries, for a moment you feel like a real scientist.
  • Data visualization with cool plots is amazing.
  • Quest of hunting data with reasons will expand your imagination.
  • You are paid well.

So yes this is your time to start and move on.

Don't waste your time doing things that you don't like when u know u can do it...

How can we start? if I am from a different background, is it possible to switch?



