The Right Stuff
Come on! Everyone had been tempted by knock offs. Who doesn't want to impress with something that looks like the real deal. I have got to admit I have worn a lot of Fokleys ( fake Oakley sunglasses) . I once bought a $15 cap with a logo to make my $15 sunglasses look more stylish. You have to admit that sunglasses, watch, purse or gown will not get you injured or killed.
It is said that imitation is supreme flattery. If you imitate you must get it right. A short while back we had a wonderful visit from Yvan Buron. Yvan is a co-owner of Vert Voltige Innovations. We had discussion about the Quick Trekker Continuous Belay system and his concerns about companies that are trying to copy the patented design. Of course there is the patent but there are other concerns closer to Yvan's heart. Mr. Buran has studied the metallurgy of the components. All the parts have a CE marking insure conformity with standards in the European Economic Union. Some of the metals need to be harder and some softer. The harder metals are stronger to take friction and the jolt of a fall. The softer metals grab the cable so that it cannot slip. The blocks that hold the cable have channels that are also important in gripping the cable. Vert Voltige Innovations (in America Vertical Trek Innovations) and American Adventure Park Systems wants to insure you have the toughest, safest, most reliable and easiest to use continuous belay system available so that you can enjoy your zip line canopy tour or aerial park. The Quick Trekker Continuous belay system is patented in North America and Europe. Be careful of the fakes and rip offs they could be confiscated during litigation. Could you imaging your park closed down during a lengthy court battle? Why not just put in the right stuff now?
Hey you are looking good in your knock off watches and sunglasses but don't trust your safety on anything less than the best. Quick Trekker Continuous Belay System installed by American Adventure Systems will give you safety confidence so you can enjoy the adventure.