The right of return

The right of return

We will come back one day to our home.

And drown in happiness and peace.

We will come back.

No matter how time passes,.

Whatever distance will grow between us.

So, no matter how the winds have dispersed us,.

We will come back, as promised.

"In its initial stage, Zionism was conceived by its pioneers as a movement wholly depending on mechanical factors: there is a country that happens to be called Palestine, a country without people, and, on the other hand, there exists the Jewish people, and it has no country. What else is necessary, then, than to fit the gem into the ring, and unite these people with this country? The owners of the country [the Ottoman Turks] must, therefore, be persuaded and conceived that this marriage is advantageous, not only for the Jewish people and for the country, but also for themselves."

This declaration was stated in 1914 by Chaim Weizman, the first president of the Jewish state. He attempted to lay the foundations for realizing Zionism, and began by asserting that Palestine was empty and that its current inhabitants had no say in its fate.

He denied that there were people who deserved the right to self-determination. According to the selective definition of "who are people, and who are not,"?for him, the Palestinians were not people.

Its policy defines the position of Palestinians vis-à-vis?the Zionists as “the objective to make Palestine a Jewish homeland.”

In other words, ”the problem of Jewish homelessness was to be solved at the expense of Palestinian homelessness.” and it has been the policy of a new state named Israel.

Since the Balfour Declaration, and the creation of the Jewish state in 1948, the deportation of Palestinians has clearly been its first objective. The destruction of Palestinian homes and properties and the massacring of them by the Hagana and Aragon terrors and the Israeli army have reached unprecedented levels. More than thousands of homes, factories, and other properties, as well as vast areas of agricultural land, have been destroyed. As a result, millions of Palestinian men, women, and children have been made homeless or have lost their livelihood. Some of them have lived in fear until now under Israeli occupation, as their houses have been damaged or are under threat.

More than 4 million of them were escaped or deported by force to the CHATATE. In refugee camps in Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon Following a massacre committed by the Jews, Hgana's in Dir Yacine. Kabia. Oum Fahm. Chekh village, and other places in Palestine. More than 530 villages were destroyed, and more than 60% of people were deported.

In 1948, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 194 on the Question of Palestine, which "resolves that refugees wishing to return to their homes and live in peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return."

After 62 years, this resolution was not applied. There are refugees living in refugee camps throughout the Middle East and many more exiles worldwide. Their right of return is clearly and unambiguously guaranteed by international law under the Geneva Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The homelessness of Palestinian people and exiles has been inaccurately and widely referred to as arab refugees and they are not Arab refugees. They are Palestinians denied the right to exist, exiled from their home land, or living denationalized and fearful under enemy occupation in their own land.

This injustice done to them means disorder and insecurity for all nations living in the Middle East. This disorder and insecurity have brought war six times in 62 years, threatened peace in the world, and raised the prospect of more war in the future.

A question to this deaf world: Is it time to reflect on your complicity and do the right thing, whatever the details of any future agreements, for a lasting and effective settlement? It is a must to find a solution for Palestinian refugees that recognizes and accommodates their “right of return” and their claimed full citizenship in a state they can call home.

And ignoring this right is a real terror.

Is it time to listen to their cries?

Why is the world still deaf?


