The right recruitment partner is the key to an organization’s success
By upGrad Rekrut

The right recruitment partner is the key to an organization’s success

People are the engine that power successful organizations. Which is why it is critical for organizations to onboard the right partner to meet their hiring needs. Good recruitment partners understand that every seat that remains unoccupied in an organization comes with a huge attached cost. An empty seat is an indication of many opportunities lost, many unresolved matters and of a loss of direction. Its impact is both, a potential loss of revenue and a significant increase in costs for the organization, resulting in a debilitating impact on the bottom-line.

Is your competitor gaining at your expense? In today’s fast-paced environment, when there’s little to differentiate between competing products and services, consumers take split-second decisions to go with one brand versus the other. Now imagine your customer walking into your store and finding an empty seat instead of a salesperson, it’s unlikely that your customer will wait to enquire about the whereabouts of the sales person. Instead, they may simply walk out of your store and into that of your competitors. This same logic holds true for B2B brands as well. If your team is missing an important person, your client will be the first person to feel the difference and may switch to a competing business.

Is work at a standstill in some parts of your company? In the lean organizations of today, every position brings with it a cumulative bunch off experience and skill that is irreplaceable. Unfortunately, this also means that if a seat in your organization is left unoccupied for long, then a lot of decisions are on hold because there’s no one qualified to take those decisions. Pending decisions have serious ramifications throughout an organization. Targets get missed, opportunities are lost and the goal that seemed attainable, suddenly seems impossible to achieve. Also, this has a cascading effect on the morale of the team members who see their careers stagnating and begin to develop cold-feet about the organization’s future.

Are your customers unhappy? To customers, especially in the service business, the individual they’ve been dealing with for years, very often represents the organization. There’s a huge trust factor that gets built based on years of that relationship. Customers are savvy to know that people move from organizations, so while they are willing to accept that the person, they’ve been dealing with is moving on, they seek reassurance from the company that a replacement will be found quickly. However, when that doesn’t happen and all they see is an empty seat, customers tend to get frustrated and soon start seeking alternatives or worse, express their dissatisfaction online, causing irreplaceable damage the organizations reputation.

Which is why having the right recruitment partner matters.

Young and dynamic recruitment organizations understand the impact of an empty seat and are proactive in preventing it. Such organizations have a blend of people, solutions, processes and technology that ensure two critical things for organizations:

1.?????Their cutting-edge technology, superior processes and experienced teams ensure the right fit is made available for the role in the shortest possible time, thereby preventing any strain on the organization’s system.

2.?????The other key factor is the quality of hiring. Young and dynamic companies have the requisite tools to ensure that the recruited candidate fits both the important criteria of possessing the right talent and being the right fit for the organization culture. Thereby ensuring that the candidate stays on for a long tenure in the organization, delivering great results year on year.

So don’t take an empty seat in your organization lightly and seek out the right recruitment partner to simplify hiring for you!


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