Right To Play USA Newsletter

Right To Play USA Newsletter

A month ago, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to create a new International Day of Play, with more than 140 countries as co-sponsors. The annual International Day of Play will take place on June 11 every year, beginning in this year.

"We are so proud to be one of the founding members of International Day of Play, working with partners to give global legitimacy to what children have always known: that play is a? transformative force in their lives, and every child should have a right to play." - Susan McIsaac, CEO Right To Play

We can't wait for June 11th, when we'll be asking you:#What are you playing today?? :)

This Mother's Day, #CelebrateHER!

As Mother's Day approaches, we invite you to join us in celebrating the role of mothers, mentors, and caregivers in encouraging and unlocking potential for future generations through PLAY! Through Right To Play programs like Play to Grow, parents and caregivers are learning the tools to better connect and thrive with their children. We’re excited about this opportunity to amplify the voices of the awesome parents and caregivers we work with.

Above, We see Liliane?Ntereire, a mother in Uganda. A?year ago, the idea of playing with her son Jerome seemed like a waste of time, as she didn’t understand the value it held in her son’s development.

Now, she allows?Jerome to show her how he wants to play, and in doing so, she is encouraging him to independently explore his unique way of learning. This is a skill that Ntereire has developed with the help of Right To Play which is incredibly rewarding for her son.

We hope you will join us to #CelebrateHer with support for our programs and help us to reach other mothers like Liliane! ALL DONATIONS ARE MATCHED!

Welcome to Timmy Taussig, RTP's new Ambassador!

Timmy is a professional snowboarder from Mamaroneck, NY who spends winters chasing powder all over the USA creating content and working on film projects.

After acquiring a degree in Communications and Outdoor Recreation from Western Washington?University, Timmy started a nonprofit called Camp Stoked providing youth with opportunities to get a chance to play in the outdoors through board sports. He also teach Wilderness First Aid skills for Backcountry Medical Guides.?

"I truly am a person that loves sharing what Play and the outdoors provide: a sense of self, opportunities to grow, and an innate love for our world." - Timothy B. Taussig

Welcome to the team, Timmy!

Right To Play attended and presented at some lively and well-attended sessions during #G20 week in DC. It was wonderful to spend the week talking about the?importance of early childhood learning, which sparked a lot of great conversation on the benefits of play as well as education, inclusion, and psychosocial support on addressing brain needs.?USAID #GEC2024, The Brookings Institution, Theirworld #USAID, #Earlychildhooddevelopment #education #powerofplay Rosemary Trent Leslie Flinn Unbounded Associates

RTP is honored to once again be the exclusive charity partner of ClearView Financial Media for the 2024 Family Wealth Report Awards annual event in NYC on Thursday, May 2nd! #philanthropy


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