Right Plastic Surgery Coordinator

Right Plastic Surgery Coordinator

The right plastic surgery coordinator can be a game-changer in your practice.

They can turn things around in a month or two when you find a coordinator with the skills, expertise, and drive needed to convert consultations.

This position cannot be taken lightly. You may think anyone can step in to do the job of a coordinator but you would be sorely mistaken.

Converting consultations is an art and a trained skill, just like surgery. It takes knowledge, applied action, and then lots of practice and experience to become the right plastic surgery coordinator who gets results.

However, the patient coordinator position first requires someone with a great attitude and?the right mindset?to persevere in the face of resistance.

This special person also needs the people skills to make a prospective cosmetic patient comfortable and trusting enough to decide to have their surgery with you and then?stay loyal to you for a lifetime.

She also needs?plastic surgery consult conversion training?to become a professionally-trained representative who knows how to position you as the BEST choice and convert the consultation!

Given the above, do you have the right patient coordinator representing you?

Let’s see.


Hiring too fast just to fill the position

A vacancy in your practice causes pressure. It’s like a gaping hole needing to be filled.

So what do you do? You throw an ad up, meet a few people pick the best of them, and, poof! You’re all set.

Sometimes, you get lucky and it works out. Most often, though, you learn weeks into it, they’re not a great fit.

Or worse, you learn months later, that they have made things worse and hurt your credibility and reputation with how they are representing you and treating your prospective patients.

But someone is better than no one so you put up with this bad hire for far too long.

They bring drama and negativity to the office and the other staff.

They create angst for you. They waste your time.

Not researching the candidate thoroughly

Because you’re feeling pressure to fill the position, you meet this person that seems like a good fit but they tell you they are interviewing with others and they need to make a decision soon.

So you skip the formalities of calling their references or researching them online.

So you offer them the position, they take it and now it's two months later and they are pushing for free services, are oftentimes late getting to the office, and have called in sick several times.

You come to find out from your wrinkle filler vendor that this person was let go from the last practice for these same reasons. If only you had known before wasting all of this time and money…

Being vague about what you are looking for when hiring the right patient coordinator

If you’re frustrated with your new hire because they can’t do half of what you thought they should be able to do, that leads to even more frustration and wasted time.

Now you are paying them to “learn on the job” and that slows down your process and results.

The biggest reason you’re in this situation is due to poor communication. Whatever you asked for in your ad was either too vague or didn’t specifically ask for the skills, expertise, and qualifications you are looking for in that position.

There has to be a better way…..and there is.

Let me find an A-player for you and then train them to be a professional converting rock star using my program,?The Converting Academy.

They will get the strategies, scripts, and processes needed to present you as the best choice and they will have a converting coach holding them accountable.

There are lots more?plastic surgery marketing strategies, but keep in mind, leads are only leads until your coordinator converts them to paid surgical procedures.


