The `Right` People Are Your Biggest Asset and Unload Your Emotional Baggage...
Colin Thompson
Managing Partner Cavendish/Author/International Speaker/Mentor/Partner
Quote of the Day:?
"Each one of us has a fire in our heart for something. It's our goal in life to find it and to keep it lit"
--?Mary Lou Retton
As you steer your ship in the biggest storm the business world has seen for many years, you need to consider who is making a positive contribution, whose contribution needs to be stronger - and who needs to 'walk the plank'.
In times like these, I return to Jim Collins and his classic book `Good to Great`. Collins says that you need to have the `right` people 'on the bus' (if you will excuse the change of mertaphor) and the wrong people need to leave the bus (or find their best seat) before you figure out where to drive it. As Collins also suggests, there are brutal facts to confront and they can make the difference between success and failure – especially now.
When finding the `right` people for your team, Collins suggests three practical disciplines -
? When in doubt, do not?hire - keep looking you should limit growth based on your ability to attract enough of the `right` people. It is not enough to offer better money. Money doesn't bring in better people but it does keep the right people in place.
? When you know you need to make a people change, act immediately but make sure they aren't just in the wrong seat.
? Put your best people on your biggest opportunities, not your biggest problems and if you sell off your problems (or drop that part of your business), do?not?lose your best people in the process.
To return to our ship metaphor, when you already have your people on board, they need to earn their passage. You need to assess who is effective and who isn't and determine if you can change their mindset and performance or if you need to move them on and cut your ...their) losses. It may be tough to remove people that you know well in tough times but it is your business - and your good people - that may be dragged down if you ‘carry passengers’ in the business.
In rough seas, the `right` people are your biggest asset and the wrong people can drag you down with all hands. Having the `right` people are more than just good practice – it is an essential survival technique.
Unload Your Emotional Baggage
In many ways, we're alike; however, one little difference almost always makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude.
William James, over a century ago, said, “The greatest discovery of this generation is that a human being can alter their life by altering their attitude.”
I believe this with all my heart, and over the years have seen it happen countless times. What most people fail to realize is that your attitude not only impacts your happiness and your success, it also can impact the happiness and success of all the people around you...your family, your friends, and your peers at work. Attitudes truly are contagious, and from time to time we need to ask ourselves...
“Is mine worth catching?”
There is no way to overstate the importance of a positive attitude in your life. However, no one can underestimate the difficulty in maintaining it. It's not easy, and it's a very personal thing, but it can be done.
I share with you?the things that have worked for me to maintain a positive attitude. One of the 28 short chapters is titled “Unload Your Emotional Baggage.” I'd like to share it with you today, and's something everyone needs to read!
Unload Your Emotional Baggage
An excerpt from
`The Power of Attitude`
Our emotions are powerful motivators, and more than almost anything else in our lives they will drive our behaviour. Sometimes our greatest challenge is to get inside our own heads to understand what makes us tick. Why do we feel and behave the way we do?
Highly motivated, positive people are focused. The mind is clear, and energy levels are high. Also, many things can hold you back and prevent you from becoming all you can be. One of those things is...Emotional Baggage.
I know two family members who were best friends, but several years ago, one reminded the other of something that had happened thirty years earlier. One thing led to another and, you know what, they haven't spoken since.
Anger or resentment is like a cancer, and when you let it go untreated, it will put an invisible ceiling on your future. You don't know it...but it does.
William Ward identified the cure when he said, “Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the handcuffs of hate.”
Those are powerful words, and I know from personal experience...forgiveness works. A few times in my life I've been greatly wronged and taken advantage of. My first reaction, of course, was anger and resentment. I held it for awhile and felt my stomach tie up in knots, my appetite wane, and the joy slip out of my life. The quote from Ward provided the wake-up call I needed to forgive the person who had wronged me. It was like I had been playing the first half of a basketball game with three-pound steel shoes, and in the locker room the coach said, “Colin, try these new Nikes in the second half.” Multiply that by ten and you'll understand how great it feels to unload your “emotional baggage” through the power of forgiveness.
Plus, do not?forget to share this communication with friends, family and co-workers. They'll thank you for it!?
We all have what it takes to become successful. Are you ready to make it happen?
Building a Winning Business takes passion, stability, cash, time, happiness, freedom to diversification and a team of people = Success.
You can have an awesome future, filled with great achievements and results if you begin today to take action and make it a reality!
Remember that you are made for Success!
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