Right People in the Right Seats

Right People in the Right Seats

In the complex and competitive landscape of mid-size businesses, having the right people in the right seats is a crucial factor in achieving sustainable success. Having the right people means having individuals who not only possess the necessary skills and qualifications but also align with the organization’s culture, values, and goals. These individuals are passionate, motivated, and driven to contribute to the success of the business. Cultural fit is an essential aspect of having the right people. The right people resonate with the company’s culture and exhibit behaviors that align with its values. They thrive in the organization’s environment and positively influence their peers.

The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS? ) recognizes the importance of having the right people in the right seats for organizational success. The model provides a framework for assessing and aligning talent within the organization. The People Analyzer, an EOS??tool, helps evaluate employees’ performance, core values fit, and skill set alignment. It assesses each team member’s contributions and determines if they are in the right seat or require adjustments. EOS??also emphasizes the significance of core values alignment between the organization and its employees. It highlights the need for individuals whose behaviors and actions align with the company’s core values. Regular discussions about people and their roles during leadership team meetings enable ongoing evaluation and adjustments to ensure the right people are in the right seats.

When You Don’t Have the Right Person in the Right Seat

When you realize that an individual is not the right fit for their current role, it is essential to take prompt action to address the situation.

  1. Open Communication: Initiate an open and honest conversation with the individual to discuss their strengths, challenges, and aspirations. This dialogue helps identify areas where their skills may be better utilized.
  2. Identify Alternative Roles: Explore other positions within the organization where the individual’s strengths and interests align more closely. Assess their skills, experience, and potential to find a better fit.
  3. Training and Development: Offer training programs or mentorship opportunities to help the individual acquire new skills or enhance existing ones. This investment can help them transition into a more suitable role over time.

When You Have the Right Person in the Wrong Seat

Sometimes, you may have individuals who possess the right skills and qualifications but are not in roles that fully utilize their potential. In such cases, the following actions can be taken:

  1. Evaluate Skills and Interests: Conduct a thorough assessment of the individual’s skills, interests, and strengths. Understand their passion and where they excel to identify alternative roles that better align with their capabilities.
  2. Internal Transfers: Explore opportunities for internal transfers or job rotations that allow the individual to move into a position that leverages their strengths. This shift can reinvigorate their motivation and contribute to their professional growth.
  3. Training and Upskilling: Provide training programs or professional development opportunities to bridge any skill gaps and enable the individual to succeed in their new role. This investment in their growth benefits both the individual and the organization.

When You Have the Wrong Person in the Right Seat

In some cases, an individual may hold a position that aligns with their skills, but they do not demonstrate the desired behaviors or values. When faced with this challenge, consider the following actions:

  1. Performance Evaluation: Conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation to objectively assess the individual’s contributions, behaviors, and values. Identify any performance gaps or areas of concern.
  2. Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate expectations regarding behaviors and values that are crucial for success in the role. Provide constructive feedback and guidance to help the individual align with the organization’s expectations.
  3. Performance Improvement Plans: If the individual’s performance or behavior continues to be a concern, develop a performance improvement plan. This plan should outline specific goals, milestones, and support mechanisms to help the individual improve their performance or align with the required values.

Aligning talent with the right roles within a mid-size business yields several benefits. Firstly, it increases productivity as individuals perform at their best when their roles leverage their strengths. Improved team dynamics and collaboration are also a result of having the right people in the right seats. It fosters a positive work environment, reduces conflicts, and improves overall cohesion. Furthermore, aligning talent enhances innovation and creativity within the organization. When individuals are aligned with the right seats, they can unleash their creativity and contribute innovative ideas and solutions. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. Lastly, placing individuals in roles that suit their strengths and interests leads to higher job satisfaction.?

In conclusion, having the right people in the right seats is instrumental in driving success and achieving long-term growth in mid-size businesses. By focusing on cultural fit, skill-set alignment, and passion, organizations can ensure that individuals thrive in their roles. The EOS??model, with its emphasis on core values alignment and the People Analyzer tool, provides a framework to evaluate and align talent effectively. Ultimately, the right people in the right seats bring increased productivity, improved team dynamics, enhanced innovation, and greater employee satisfaction, leading to overall success in the organization.

If you have any questions or would like to continue this discussion further, please contact us at?[email protected]?or go to our website at?www.peerexecutiveboards.com?and contact us virtually. We will be happy to get back to you!

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EOS?, the Entrepreneurial Operating System? takes entrepreneur businesses on a journey of mastery of the EOS tools which enables businesses to elevate their leadership teams to make better decisions, maintain a level of accountability, at attain greater success more simplistically.?The components of EOS? are Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process, and Traction, which when used effectively attains a healthier organization with greater success.?Marshall Krupp is a recognized Certified EOS? Implementer serving clients through the nation.?He is also a national speaker, a past award-winning Vistage Worldwide Chair, and a past career of providing crisis management strategic advisors service to businesses, governmental agencies and not-for-profit organizations.??Review more at?www.peerexecutiveboards.com?and at?www.eosworldwide.com/marshall-krupp.


