Right Path- Wrong Path or Highway
Patrik Blomqvist
ArkivIT?tillhandah?ller kvalificerade konsulttj?nster inom arkiv- och informationshantering. V?r ambition ?r att st?rka v?ra kunder inom Arkiv & Registratur, Info.S?k & Dataskydd, E-arkiv samt Verksamhetsutveckling.
To go from A 2 B isn′t always a straight highway for everybody. I think we all have different kind of goals in life that we want to achieve, private, sport and in work etc..
I also believe that it′s important, even if some of the goals will be hard to reach - it keeps us motivated and engaged in what we do every day.
For example in work - im sure, there are more then myself that has experienced different kind of paths in life, that has avoided the "highway".
Bumpy paths, Unexpected paths, U-turns, Wrong paths etc..
The experience from taking many different paths, could be both positive and negative - depending on who you talk to.
From my point of view, you start your life with an empty Backpack and then you fill it with experience and knowledge / tools.
From each different path you take, you learn new things and get new experiences (tools) that you can use on your next path.
The problem with taking to many different paths, could be - that you will learn a little about a lot, but you will perhaps not become an expert in anything.
So, i think this an important thing to think of when you set your goals - but most important, independent if you take many or just a few different paths - do your very best on each of them, learn from them and enjoy them. Because you will learn new things that you can use to reach your goals in the end - if not all, at least some of them. Be proud of yourself and your results in life, you can only do your best!