Right path and right people make life worth living

Right path and right people make life worth living

Mainly selfishness is the cause of all despair. When we consider others more valuable than ourselves then even the most painful work for the benefit of those people becomes meaningful and motivating. Doing something for them is always more likely to result in that benefit than simply reducing resource consumption by self-elimination.

Life is really tough and nothing makes life worth living. The fact that this is even a question underlines the lack of life itself to provide a natural answer. You can say: sex, children, a flower, a rainbow, the feelings of success , etc. But all of that lasts moments. Most of life is a sentence of failures and pains, punctuated with only the briefest of moments of happiness. While this seems overly pessimistic, it’s not. Think of your own life. Today I sleep, eat to satisfy hunger, go to the bathroom, do my job, deal with people I don’t always like and occasionally have a good laugh or read a book or kiss someone.

Again: seems depressing. So I’ll continue. If you weren’t alive, what’s the big deal. Either there’s some sort of cool science-fiction-like afterworld. Or there’s nothing. Either way, it further makes our time here useless. And why should our species be any better than any of the other billions of species on Earth. Our ants happy spending their entire lives just building ant farms and collecting food and then dying? Because that’s all we are: but with bigger brains (which means more anxieties and insomnias and mental illnesses).

It’s not depressing because it is what it is. One thing that makes life worth living is that it’s really hard to kill yourself. I know one person who shot himself in the head through the mouth (the most effective way). He ended up with his face destroyed, one eye missing, and paralyzed. To be fair, he married his nurse and now seems happy. I know many people who tried to kill themselves with pills and failed. There’s no guarantees on how to kill yourself.

But you will paralyze yourself and make the next 60 years of your life miserable. The worst. So don’t do it. Here’s what I do to make life worth living for me. Every day: freedom, competence and relationships, improve 1% every day my ability to enjoy the above three things. Perhaps with freedom I can either make more money or lower my expectations. Both of those buy me more freedom. With competence, I can try to get better at the things I love doing. And with relationships, I can spend time with my children, friends, or people I like to kiss. If I do those every day, it makes life incredible. I don’t know if that means it’s “Worth” it. What does “worth” mean. Here is a path way that can lead you the right destination.

Pursue your goal. Get obsessed for it. Be occupied with it. No time for gossips. Discover a beautiful heart. Discuss ideas and not people. Be in company of virtuous people. Do not be addicted for fake things like cigarettes and drugs. Be addicted for a good life, a life free of negative addictions. Respect solitude. At least for two hours in a day. Have an incredible knowledge about something you are fascinated about. Discuss spirituality, science and philosophy. People like such stuffs. Have handful of friends. Yes, friends should be trustworthy, even if they are few.

Do not tell everything about yourself to people. Not even your goals. Be mysterious. Do not get into relationship so that other could pamper you. That should not be the thing. If you think she's the one, then sure commit and go ahead. Have permanent girlfriend. Temporary are feelings too. You have a pair of eyes and you can see the world through them. You can taste the delicacies. You can love and feel loved by your near and dear ones. You have lovely parents staying back and watching you shine, taking a back seat. Maybe you have a partner who loves you with all their heart.

You can listen to music and tap your feet to some tune. You can experience different emotions. Every heart break and a hurdle teaches you a lesson. You can feel the cool breeze after a scorching day at work. You come home after a tiring day and your kids are waiting for you at the front door. Small things make life worth living. When you are 80 and you are lying down on your bed calmly, all these memories will come rushing down to you like a flashback and you'll whisper “life was worth living". Cheers!


