Right to Know Week 2022
Hunter Water is a strong advocate for freedom of information and people maintaining a connection to their own data. The post below was released by the Executive Team to the Hunter Water staff today and I thought it was interesting enough to re-post.
Right to Know Week 2022
This week, 26 September to 2 October 2022 is Right to Know Week NSW 2022.
Right to Know Week is an important global campaign that aims to raise awareness of each individual’s right of access to government information and promote open, transparent government. In NSW, this important right is legislated through the Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPA Act).
This year’s theme is ‘Artificial Intelligence, e-Governance & Access to Information: Next steps in NSW digital government’.
Hunter Water is a proud Champion of Right to Know Week, and I encourage you to refresh your knowledge of the GIPA Act and information access obligations as public sector staff. The Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) is leading the Right to Know Week campaign and has resources on its website to assist agencies in meeting their obligations under the GIPA Act, including the following.
The Right to Know is more important than ever in this digital age. As governments continue to provide digital solutions to citizens including the use of artificial intelligence in decision-making, it is essential that we preserve and promote the public interest, accountability, transparency and citizens’ right to information.
NSW’s increasing digital transformation into e-Government must also be accompanied by e-Governance, where we ensure we are accountable, transparent, enable citizens to access information and participate in government decision-making. E-Governance is the digital realisation of an open, accountable participative democracy.