Right home for AI and analytics? – Part 3
If an organization is heavily focusing on transforming their business with means of AI, then this naturally should mean that AI has strategic role. One way to secure that role is to locate it respectively into the heart of strategy. Often strategic initiatives and transformation programs are overseen by Corporate Strategy function. So, wouldn’t that be a natural location also for strategic assets like AI talents?
Corporate strategy
Being inside means that you are in a better position to influence the future direction, which could be benefit for the AI and analytics team. On the other hand, those same talented people can prove to be important assets shading the light over opportunities of AI and thus directly enhancing the strategy process with new dimensions and innovations. Analysts can have direct and undisturbed connections to key strategic initiatives and objectives of the organization, which can prove to be invaluable asset for setting new steppingstones for desired strategy.
Strategy organizations are often crowded with analytically focused people, so there might well be also a good and natural cultural match between these two groups. With this similar base, it is easier to understand and appreciate the work done by AI and analytics team.
Potential downside is the level of technical knowledge of the strategy team. If they are not able to fully understand the data and technical resources available, it might handicap the capability to make analytical projects successful. Another downside is the normal size of the strategy teams. As they usually are relatively small, they might become unbalanced while larger AI and analytics teams are embedded to them. This could lead to a situation where the team is not performing well enough to marshal the resources needed for desired AI and analytics activities.
Next part 4: Finance as location for AI and analytics.