The right to be healthy: 54 days to 18 April 2019 (Part 3)

The right to be healthy: 54 days to 18 April 2019 (Part 3)

Using the oxidative stresses as all diseases to one eye and the healing mechanism to the other is the better glasses to understand the fates of life… and it’s not too good under hypoascorbemia.

Diseases do not discriminate people by any attribute and by social statuses… even by the places and by the time… we’re equal perfectly. Diseases chat about the leadership, the management and the strength of the human body. Diseases test all people on behaviours of; awareness, carefulness, proudness, humanity, professional and social values, civilization etc… and no one could hide the rotten smell from the wind.

In the other side, the healing mechanism makes us in the perfect equal as well. The healing mechanism talks about the human right to be healthy; ignorance to this right or it might be violation there. The healing mechanism tests all people on: belief to science; honesty to rational truth; human dignity… and no one could hide the rotten smell from the wind.

What looks like all diseases versus the healing mechanism?

Inflammation is the very common evidence of the disease existence and it is showed as the damaged and damaging cellular and tissues and it makes the body’s organs to fail working normally. Under the normal circumstances, normal inflammation is a process of the healing mechanism where the body’s system destroys the damaged and damaging cellular and tissues as such those damages can be removed easily.

Then, the body’s system will make the new parts for replacement. Amazingly, the body’s system knows how much new cellular and tissues are needed exactly for this replacement. Further, the body’s system will grow the new parts and harmonizing them to the site precisely… No medicine (chemical and herbal) as well as no most professional and skilled practitioner can do those.

What does that mean? It is the answer when one questions about my legitimated statuses in professional and skill on medical field. I need nothing because it’s all not about me. I’m just showing to the worldwide people that based on the worldwide scientists’ finding and researches, the healing mechanism is the only way to heal from any deadly disease and it exists in each body.

It also means that I and anyone deserve to be healed from all deadly diseases. It’s the right to be healthy about… At the same time, it should be all other people and I (at least) question why the recent human right to health through the general comment gives a signal to limit each body to be healed… or is it a political law statement for a trap?

The last question should be explained clearly by the authorized institutions. The experts on the human right and the law sciences should speak out on the topic (why the human right to health is not understood as the human right to be healthy?). Against the reality that every human has the healing mechanism in each body where it enables to heal the human body from diseases and against medicinal products as xenobiotic (poison group) … and against the evidence that more than a billion deaths of human caused by all deadly diseases in hospitals during this famous New Millennium…

I hope that any party does not regard my critic aimed to discredit any party or individual… I never intend it like that. But, clearly I want to insist that the idea on the right to be healthy did not come from me…. I just declared it because as soon as the year 2019 ends, we have left a big unresolved problem behind us to be remembered. But, Millennial should not build a monument for this.

Then, for the next two decades, it is established through many predictions that the same unresolved problem will be unchanged, even more severe. There is a big… big… challenging question… where is our vision in hoping to get the better future? This question should test (if not annoy) rationality, conscience and humankind feeling…

It’s the right time to bring the idea into the quarrel and burning face discussions among higher experts and authorized institutions as such the worldwide people can ensure that idea of the right to be healthy must be deleted from any text and it’s banned to consider it. Or it becomes a new vision of the human dignity in grabbing the better future… It should be an awareness of all worldwide people and it should not be something which showed by the laymen in the streets or in demonstration.

Back to the inflammation… based on those worldwide scientists’ works, I summarised that the levels of inflammation are: 1.) Normal; 2.) Acute; 3.) Chronic and; 4.) Sepsis and SIRS. These are the consecutive rank where if the normal inflammation is disturbed, the level raises up to the acute. It means the disease will be healed longer or more severe than the normal. But, in normal and acute levels, the healing mechanism is enable and still stronger than the disease’s attack and eventually anyone can be healed well.

This bleeding injury tested the healing mechanism on my body. I got a traffic accident on the latest week before the new year of 2019 and in the first week of February (around six weeks), it was healed perfectly.

When the acute inflammation is disturbed, the level raises up to the chronic. Most chronic diseases are enhanced highly by the aging process (after 40 y.o). It means that the aging process, especially on elder people can disable the healing mechanism in the chronic event. On the aged body, everything is slower like an old train, if the brake is pulled on Friday night… the train stops on Tuesday, and the weekend was over...

In chronic diseases, the inflammation is more severe than the acute level. The chronic inflammation starts to test any treatment on its 360 degree of efficacy as the healing mechanism might be in disable status before the inflammation rising up to the end stage to death. There is much longer of time to make a healing because the patient may suffer the sickness for years… yeah, the years in sickness against the possibility of the healing progress in 1X24 hours on skinned tissues and 70% damage of non-boned organ can be healed if the powerful level of the healing mechanism achieves!

Sepsis and SIRS are the end stage of inflammation to death. Sepsis relates to infected or infectious diseases by bad microorganisms like virus, bacteria etc. These microorganisms also can accelerate the speed of the diseases very highly from normal to sepsis conditions like in DHF, AI or measles, etc. SIRS relates to the degenerative and complicated diseases. Usually, the patients are in the intensive care unit (ICU) when this end stage of inflammation shows up. There is a highly cut-throat competition between a treatment and diseases on the race of this end stage. Of course, the winner is the fastest and no runner-up.

In contrast, if the healing mechanism can be enhanced in enable position at any level powerfully; the higher stages of inflammation can be down to the normal level where next processes of the healing mechanism can work well. The limitless power can be obtained from Ascorbid. It joints into the antioxidant networks and it enhance other defence systems of the body to overcome any disease at any level where there should be no lab examination needed and no device to measure this and that... should be used. But in the infection and infectious diseases, the proliferation of bad microorganisms must be stopped as well as their attacks; a stronger probiotic can do it effectively. Finally, fresh water is needed to support and to protect the blood circulation and the kidney’s function in the steady-state condition during the harder works. Those are the core powers in Trimedicology and they are in non-dosage concept because they are very safe and accepted by the system of human body. Finally, they work in a very high speed.

Thanks for the time, attention and any support… all friends!... Stay blessed on the best health…


