Hiring the best talent is what all recruiters and companies strive to achieve, finding the candidate that matches up to the qualifications needed for the position as close to a tee as possible.
Job fit is crucial as it brings to light the convergence between an employee’s strengths, education qualification, and experience to the requirements of the position and the environment. The key focus should be on how to help the new employee thrive and unleash their true potential in the role assigned, a role that should be just right for who they are.
Ascertaining candidates fit for the company requires certain factors to be considered.
Company and Team Goals.
What does your team want to achieve and what are the overall goals of the company? At the end of the day, the goal of every company is to achieve a set goal and every individual strives to achieve that.?How then can this potential hire get you a step closer to that goal? Ensure you establish how close the individual is to your vision and mission.
Review The Job Description
Clearly state the responsibilities, roles, skills, education, experience, and training required for the role. Beyond looking good on paper, probing questions need to be asked. How they would handle a project similar to what they would be assigned, behavioral questions, and situational questions.
Work Style
How does this individual operate? Do they prefer being independent and having autonomy over their work? Is it an individual who would do with some hand holding and guidance? Do they thrive while working in a team where they can lean on and support others?
Identifying what work style works best for which individual will help in deciding how well they fit and which would be the optimal placement for them within the company.
Company Culture
The candidate at hand may be a perfect fit for the job but does not even come close to matching the company culture. What are their values, beliefs, and outlooks, and do some of them overlap with the prevailing ones the company ascribes to?
Interact with them informally to identify the same and find out what they need to be successful in their assigned roles and the company as a whole.
Need Fulfilled Through Work
We do not all work for the same reason, some may work to get a paycheck, while some seek recognition through their work, others like a challenge, and others are motivated by seeking leadership. All these are valid reasons and identifying what works for your employee is key in ensuring they thrive in roles and positions assigned.
Job Content
What is that they do and do they love doing it? Ensure they are in a position to utilize their strengths and skills; the position should also fulfill their needs as well as run in congruence with their values.
Various factors can be considered as different companies and institutions have different environments, requirements, and preferences regarding the ideal candidate for their positions as well as for the company as a whole.