The right to bear arms… Another soapbox I’ve decided to step up onto…
The right to bear arms… Another soapbox I’ve decided to step up onto…
The second amendment of our constitution states:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Note – it doesn’t say to hunt for food, shoot for fun or any of many other gun uses… It also doesn’t say limited caliber or magazine capacity.
The right to bear arms is to keep us free… However, free from what?
- Invasion – an armed populous is a populous ready to defend our nation
- Tyrannical Governments - an armed populous keeps governments honest and accountable – we did break away from a government that sought to tax and control us while precluding our rights to vote and self-govern
- Insurrections – Ironically the same right that prevents Tyrannical Government also protects the government from insurrections. Every citizen is part of our overall defense even in a riot or localized attacks.
- Provides the ability to defend yourself, your family and your business
So some suggest the 2nd amendment and this overall right is intended for our military forces based on the term “militia”. I find that interpretation humorous, it infers that without this right our military would not have weapons – I’m not sure that was the intent. Ok, perhaps it’s to suggest that States will have armed militias – to keep States sovereign and protected from unwanted control from the federal level? Perhaps but do we have state militias? If so they are made up of the general populous of each state correct? Is it then a State's decision on gun laws and explicitly NOT a federal decision?
To the debate that we need to stop school shootings and horrendous attacks:
First, I can’t begin to imagine the loss of a child and hope to never experience it even remotely. That being said would making weapons harder to get stop this? You should know that in Columbine there were 20Lb propane tanks that were rigged as bombs that failed to detonate – should we make 20lb propane tanks illegal too?
Let’s talk Extremes – If all guns were illegal and the laws/enforcement strict enough that the number of guns in circulation where significantly lower – sure there would be less gun related attacks and deaths. Simple math. The question really should be what else would happen – would crime increase? Even with a few guns in circulation there is certainly a possibility that those with these guns will have an advantage over the then generally unarmed population.
If everyone had a gun – even the ill and untrained sure we would have more accidents and intentional shootings. There is some relationship between total number of guns in circulation and number of gun attacks but it is NOT a linear relationship. I own a number of guns and have not shot anyone with any of them.
That is a key point – a partially disarmed population will likely see increased gun issues. Simple logic – law abiding citizens follow the law and disarm while non-law abiding folks continue to possess and use guns. Since MOST gun attacks are from those with intent versus accident or mental breaks commit the majority of the gun crimes. However rare a armed defense is for safety it’s higher than the even rarer mental health attack.
For those that like or consider a complete or even significant gun ban consider the following:
Right now you could save far more lives by fighting to make all US driven cars 100% speed limited to say 80 MPH and while you are at it also install a breath alcohol (blow and go) in every car. You WILL drop speed related and impaired driving deaths. After all the laws are already there, what’s a little more hassle and cost right? It seems to me our country is founded on rights but also personal decision to follow or ignore our laws. A society (like children) does not grow and mature without decision points. If you never get to choose you never learn to make good decisions – sooner or alter when you HAVE to decide you will be ill prepared.
The Gun registration / ID / Background check debate:
Do I think it should be easy or ok for a felon to buy a gun? No! Would I be ok with a solid background check? Maybe, but let’s chat about that:
Many argue that the right to bear arms must be “tempered” with protections to reduce those that should not have access (felons, minors and the mentally ill). Ok, a good point and one many use to justify registration and background checks prior to sale/purchase. This logic includes some form of argument like: Will this small extra step really infringe on your rights? There are many answers – I choose to answer with an observation many declared liberals I suspect will NOT like: Using this very same logic why are you against voter ID and photo registration? Every citizen has the right to vote but surely we want to protect against illegal or multiple voting. Certainly a few extra steps will not remove the right to vote correct? Many claim that to require a voter ID “disenfranchises” the poor and minorities. Ok, if so, then why are you not shouting at the top of your lungs against gun registration or gun IDs? Is it because you choose your positions not on logic or honesty but on desired outcomes? “We’re against voter IDs but for gun registrations” Too funny!
The real stats - In 2013 approximately:
21,200 Americans died due to self-inflicted gun shot wounds
11,200 Americans died in gun related homicides
500 Americans died in mass shootings (where four or more were killed)
19 American died in school shootings – inclusive of suicide ending school attacks
Now ask yourself what is the real gun death issue?
Is it weapon type?
It is location?
Or is it Mental Health?
Nearly 2/3 of all gun deaths in 2013 were suicides and more are related if you account for attack and then suicide… School shootings although horrendous are not the apex of this problem nor is high capacity or “assault” types of weapons. To use such logic would be similar to banning black shirts to decrease bank robberies. Statistics of events does NOT prove dependence of variables.
You will hear claims of “school shootings” and one per week… That’s a bit overstated as the definition is flexible – don’t get me wrong – even one school shooting a year is too many – but let’s not confuse a unrelated to school suicide or coincidentally located attack with an attack on the school and it’s students.
Read these articles and decide for yourself…
My position on gun control – subject to change…
- We must be vigilant and protect our constitutional rights. Even those we CHOOSE not to use.
- As individuals we need to make good INDIVIDUAL choices.
- If we decide to add protections we need to do so in other critical areas such as voting
- Mental Health should be a factor in gun ownership and more importantly gun access
- I suspect we need stronger liability for the sale and access to guns – how are depressed people getting guns – pre depression or post depression?
- 2nd amendment Gun ownership rights are NOT for hunting - it is to protect our freedoms – all of them
- Gun free zones have created “shooting galleries” the media has escalated the coverage and taught the mentally ill where to go to effectively kill and get media coverage. Each school needs 2-5 trained concealed carry defenders. We CAN stop those attacks earlier and save lives – yes there is a risk but it is worth the protection and inevitable change in attacks. Right now you are less safe in a school than almost anywhere else in the country? Is that what we want for our children? I also suspect that schools are an emotional touch point either positive or negative for shooters… They go to harm or go for security… I’m not a psychologist but there seems to be an affinity for schools
- Those that choose to selectively lie and choose stats and positions need to be called out. You can’t say “no voter ID and yes gun ID” in the same breath – we all need to do better on calling that what this is Bullshit!
- Types of guns and our rights – some seek to limit weapon types and capacities – in many cases the attackers in schools have used a variety of weapons – the truth is the type of weapon really doesn’t change the overall outcome – perhaps the total kills but two guns with 10 round clips is still 20 potentially dead students. Most attacks are over BEFORE ammunition is out – based on police response, victim sheltering and victim interdiction.
- We need public conversation and CONSTRUCTIVE debate on the topic. We are a Republic and we cannot have rights of all controlled but the desires of a few.
A timely email from today about a local highschool
October 24, 2015
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Earlier this month, we shared with you that School Administration became aware of threats made against xxx High School through off campus electronic means. During the ensuing investigation by School Administration, School Resource Officers (SROs), and Sheriff’s Office Detectives, additional information was discovered regarding a plan and intent to carry out the threats towards xxx High School. The responsible individuals are currently in the custody of the Sheriff’s Office.
We commend the students who alerted school administration about the texts and social media postings. Their actions enabled school administration and the Sheriff’s Office to quickly determine the individuals responsible and take appropriate actions to ensure the xxx community remains safe.
Please be assured that we make every effort to keep our students safe. Crisis plans are continuously reviewed, situational drills are conducted and measures are taken to ensure the welfare of our students and staff.
Parents, you can help by encouraging your child to talk to a teacher or administrator if they have concerns about the behavior of a fellow student. Explain that their cooperation is important for everybody's safety. Additionally, we understand that this situation may have affected your child and have counseling services in place to support them as needed. Students should contact the school counseling office or their teacher for assistance.