The Right Attitude (RWCL)

The Right Attitude (RWCL)

Attitude is termed to be a word which describes a lot about the kind of person one is and it is one of the main factor in the success of an individual. No matter where you start, your vision and the right attitude can land you wherever you want.

Today i want to talk about the right attitude and explain to all of you, how simple it is to understand which is your current attitude and where you should head to, if you have the wrong attitude in life. The rule which will help me to explain that to you is called the RWCL Rule where R stands for Right, W stands for Win, C stands for Comfortable and L stands for Liked. Let me explain them to you in details.

The Right Attitude: Often feel surrounded by people who think they are right always. They would not reason, they would not understand and they would not even listen to others. They will always feel they are always right. Such people are never able to face defeats and this approach stops them from being a better person. It is one of the most poisonous attitude on can have. If you belong to this category, start introspecting, start listening to what others have to say before you are left all alone and no one actually cares about your opinion.

The Comfortable Attitude: There are plenty of people around you whom you would have heard saying, "I hate this job or Damn! I didn't get a promotion or a salary hike of my choice" and they would do nothing about it. They would keep crying about it and slowly this will become their routine. They would not be the one's who stand up when they see something is going wrong with them. If you belong to this category and wish to flourish in life, forget flourish, you are not even truthful to your own self. It is high time that you leave this attitude and move forward in life. This approach is like a slow poison which will kill you slowly and you'll know only when you're dead.

The Liked Attitude: Do you often feel that you keep explaining everyone why you did a particular thing in a particular way ? Then you belong to this category. You want everyone to like you so you'd do things their way and if someone is offended in the process you would apologize or explain them or reason with them till they finally like you for what you did. You live life in a constant pressure to please everyone and in the course of time you forget yourself. This phase will never let you succeed because you'd always fear what everyone would think and then not do the right thing. You are a human not a detergent powder. If you belong to this category start drawing the line. Do what is right and not what will please everyone.

The Win Attitude: Do you focus on your goals and focus on doing them the right way. You do not care what people would think and you are ready to take your defeats headstrong. You want to work harder this time because you couldn't succeed the last time. Well, if these things define you, you have the right attitude. The win attitude defines your success and who you want to become in life. It will help you to bring out the best in your life. This approach is the most difficult. It makes you ready for the tough decision and to come out of your comfort zone.

It is okay if you do not have the win approach. You just have to realize which attitude you have and then work on improving yourself to finally land up to the Win Approach. If the company you work in doesn't give you the right promotions or hike you deserve, quit. Find something better where you'd be rewarded but first self introspect. If there were some mistakes you did, work on that and when you feel you deserve and still you don't get move on. In the end it's you who has to take the winning approach. If you want to do something in life "Start yesterday because today you're already late, and you never know if there is going to be a tomorrow".


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