Riding The Live Event Rollercoaster
Hello 2022, It is nice to see you.
Hard to believe how long the pandemic has put us in this back and forth scenario, but here we are, poised to take on the next wave of pluses and minuses as things continually develop.
To be abundantly clear : I am immensely grateful that we were able to keep our heads above water and return to our offices. I am equally happy that we were able to keep the lines of communication open with our leadership and our teams. Although there have been challenges, we are optimistic to the outlook 2022 is giving us.
Speaking with companies, and their plans for 2022, has given me real time insight as to how things may play out in Q1-Q2. Even with the high rescheduling rate of corporate events, it's only being pushed back a month or two, versus last year, when it would be scrubbed for up to a year later, if at all.
This is enough to put me in the drivers seat to reach out and check on my current and prospective clients. If you are riding the rollercoaster with me right now, I want you to know that we are a lot further ahead now than we ever have been. People are starting to remove the "emergency" nature of this virus and developing a process of understanding that, just like flu season, will require mitigating the process of Covid as it changes. Still far more dangerous than the flu, but becoming a more malleable topic.
Do all the right things, be safe, wear a mask, wash your hands. Also take time to reach out and check on your team, your clients, and vendors. This is the right time to get that pulse check before the need actually outweighs the ability to service it.
We are closing in on a chance to re-open our industry, don't be caught flat-footed. Be ready for the uptick that everyone is eager to be a part of. Yes, we are on the rollercoaster together, but I think the ride is on its last few turns before it pulls into the unloading dock. Be well my friends, I will see you at the show!
Always here to chat if you need a friend in the business.