Riding along with the Patriot Pack
This week, I had the pleasure of traveling with the Patriot Pack. Our Director of Sales, Rohan Santora, and I met up with the Pack in Richmond, Virginia. We flew in and drove to the hotel, awaiting their arrival. Based on where they were coming from, we expected they would arrive around 6:00. However, they arrived much later. We learned they had a tough day traveling from NJ through DC in traffic and darkness, which exhausted them. Fortunately, another support person purchased Firehouse Subs for them.
After a much-needed rest, they all gathered the following morning to ride to their first of several stops. Rohan and I hitched a ride in one of the support RVs.
With much care, the caravan of support vehicles and motorcycles moved onto the highway. Evidently, these guys and gals had ridden together for many years; their coordination was impressive. After about 20 minutes, we pulled off the road and headed to the dealership. As we pulled in, we noticed a large group of people excitedly awaiting our arrival. The motorcycles rumbled up to cheers from the crowd. After plenty of handshakes and hugs, we were treated to breakfast. Following breakfast, the leadership gathered the riders and presented them with a generous donation. Everyone wanted to stay, but it was time for the Pack to move on, as they had several more stops to make that day.
We followed along with the Pack for a few days, sharing stories and becoming part of the group's camaraderie. At dinner one night, we could hardly eat as the toasts to people in the group and those who could not be there kept coming, along with much laughter and even some singing.
Even though we are not officially members of the Pack, we support what they stand for and are blessed to share in their fellowship. We look forward to joining them again on the road next year.
Ed Barfield - CEO AgentDealer