Ridge Regression: Tackling Bias-Variance Tradeoff
In the world of machine learning, linear regression, specifically Simple Linear Regression (SLR), is one of the most foundational techniques we learn. It provides a straightforward way to model relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. However, SLR is not without its limitations, particularly when it comes to handling datasets with high dimensionality or multicollinearity (high correlation among features). This is where Ridge Regression comes in as a powerful alternative.
Why Do We Move to Ridge Regression?
Linear regression models work well when the assumptions of the model are met: linearity, independence, homoscedasticity, and normality of residuals. But in real-world datasets, these assumptions are often violated. Specifically, as the number of features grows, overfitting becomes a significant problem.
Overfitting occurs when the model learns the noise in the training data instead of the underlying pattern. This leads to a model that performs very well on training data but poorly on unseen data (test data). The root of this problem can be traced to a trade-off known as bias-variance:
SLR or even Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) doesn’t have a built-in mechanism to handle this trade-off, especially in cases of multicollinearity. Enter Ridge Regression, a regularized version of linear regression, which aims to strike a balance between bias and variance.
What is Ridge Regression?
Ridge Regression is a type of linear regression that includes a regularization term in its cost function. The key idea behind ridge regression is to penalize the size of the coefficients, effectively shrinking them towards zero but never quite eliminating them entirely.
Why Do We Need Regularization?
Regularization is essential in cases where we have too many features or where the data shows multicollinearity. Without regularization, the model might overfit the training data, which leads to poor generalization on test data.
Ridge Regression combats this problem by adding a penalty for larger coefficients, forcing the model to prefer smaller coefficients and preventing any one feature from having too much influence over the predictions. This leads to models that generalize better to unseen data, striking a balance between variance and bias.
Bias-Variance Tradeoff in Ridge Regression
Ridge Regression introduces the concept of a bias-variance tradeoff in a more structured way compared to regular linear regression.
In a model with high variance (like SLR with multicollinearity), the predictions can fluctuate wildly with small changes in the training data. By adding the regularization term, Ridge Regression decreases the variance but increases the bias slightly. However, this small increase in bias is usually outweighed by a significant reduction in variance, making the model more robust.
The goal of Ridge Regression is to find a middle ground where both the bias and variance are minimized to an optimal level.
How Does Ridge Regression Work?
When Should You Use Ridge Regression?
Ridge Regression is a robust alternative to linear regression, particularly when dealing with high-dimensional datasets or multicollinearity. By addressing the bias-variance tradeoff, Ridge Regression helps to build models that are more generalizable, avoiding the pitfalls of overfitting while still capturing meaningful patterns in the data.
As machine learning models become increasingly complex, understanding regularization techniques like Ridge Regression is crucial for anyone looking to build models that perform well not just on training data but also in real-world applications.
About the Author:
Shakil Khan,
Pursuing BSc. in Programming and Data Science,
IIT Madras.