Ride the Waves
James (Jay) Koster II
Inspiring kindness, seeding hope and nurturing purpose to help humanity thrive together.
"Feelings are much like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf." - Jonatan Martensson
Happy Tuesday everyone!
After a couple of days on the topic of purpose, let’s get back the The Four Forces: Emotion, Energy, Thoughts and Time. When we left this discussion last week, we were talking about conducting these forces, and finding the right balance, order, rhythm and harmony across theforces as we live our lives. Down the road, we’ll come back to this discussion, and conducting these forces in alignment with our purpose, but for now, let’s go deeper on the forces themselves.
When I introduced the Four Forces last week, I talked about effectively harnessing our emotions, our energy, our thoughts and our time to exponentially impact what we can achieve in pursuit of our purpose, and I also referenced the reality that, often, we allow these forces to be hijacked, disrupting our pursuit of our purpose. We'll eventually dive into the detailed make-up of each force, but for now, let's begin to set the framework for how we'll look at, and eventually conduct, the forces - and learn how we avoid being hijacked on our journey.
Each of the forces - emotion, energy, thoughts and time exist on a spectrum, with controlling on one end of the spectrum, and liberating on the other end of the spectrum. Understanding the forces, and the "gravitational" pull of life that drags one across the spectrum from liberating to controlling, will give us insight into finding the right balance, order, rhythm and harmony to live our purpose every hour of every day.
Like Martensson's words around feelings, our forces come at us "rain or shine", whether we want them to or not - time doesn't stop for us, our thoughts come at us whether we actively curate them or not, our emotions march on whether we control them or not, and our energy will burn off like a gas guzzler if we let it. But while these forces come at us, we can choose which ones we ride, how we ride them, and how we prepare ourselves for the ride.
Tomorrow we will start the journey by beginning to look at the emotions spectrum, and the various emotions that shape and govern our behaviors. Enjoy the ride!