To Ride a Tall Horse

A Short Story


L. J. Martin

"It is not necessary, Juanito," his old grand-uncle, his tio, told him.  "I have seen the grain bin empty many times in my years."

           "I am old enough, Tio Jorge. I have fourteen years. It is not so long a journey."

           "Ah, Juanito, you have thirteen years.... Remember, I was nearby, sipping aguardiente with your father when the midwife slapped your behind." His uncle smiled, showing rosy gums where his teeth had been, then his old face furrowed again. "It can be a journey onto the tangs of diablo's pitchfork. I made it one time in the summer months many years ago, in search of Yocuts who had stolen the horses of Don Alfonso Valadez. We had three days without agua. We lost three horses and almost our own lives." The old man scratched his bony ribs through the jerga shirt. Then again focused watery eyes on his nephew. "It is three days of hard walking through the hills to the San Joaquin, then another three days south to the San Emigdio. . .and if it is dry in the valley? You cannot carry enough water in the goat skin even to make it across the lomarias, the low hills, on foot. It would be better to wait for winter when, God willing, the water holes are full."

           "I will be fourteen soon.... And there is said to be work there now, tio. To wait for winter would be to wait for us all to starve."

           His uncle stared off into the dry hills beyond the little pueblo of Paso Robles. "If only we had a horse," he muttered. But he had no answer to his nephew's dilemma.

           For the first time in his few years, over the last two months Juan Ochoa had watched the bins in his mother's cocina sink to the point you could see their board bottoms, the few handfuls of kernels left there scraped up against one side--the first time he had seen his brothers and sisters cry with not enough to eat. Beans, corn, wheat, and wild fava; each bin was almost empty and his mother was rationing. For the first time since Juan could remember, they had gathered and ground acorns, but even those were scarce. There had been no rain since the celebration of Corpus Christi. Since they had journeyed the eight mile walk north to Mission San Miguel, and listened to the old priest who still occupied the rectory there. Who still held mass even though his vestments were torn and tattered, as run down and almost as vacant--for the old priest was skin and bones--as was the ramshackle old mission itself. 

           It was a bad time for the proud old Californios who occupied the few adobes at Paso Robles. Since the gold was discovered in the north, and the gringos came, things had not been as they were--as his Tio Jorge told him they had been in the years before he was born. When the ranchos were great and prosperous--before the land reforms, as the gringos called the time, or the great theft, as Tio Jorge called it. Before the meat hunters and come and killed off the elk and antelope and most of the deer and bear. Before the ranchers had driven their cattle to the north to be consumed by the thousands and thousands of gringos who worked the gold fields.

           And it had not helped that his father had died last year--it had been the great family catastrophe of Juan's young life. The gringos, for a time, worked a mine back in the hills of Nacimeinto. They mined cinnabar, a red rock they heated in order to obtain mercury. And his father had worked for them in the mines, then later in what they called the retort, which was a great iron tower where they cooked the cinnabar ore over oak charcoal fires to boil out its mercury and gather it in vents. The longer his father worked there, the sicker he became, until his vision began to fail and he had to come home and not work at all, because he was blind. Then he coughed blood until he died. It had been a hard time for all the family--mama, Juan's five younger brothers and sisters. And even old Tio Jorge who now only tended the garden or gathered the wild fava beans from along the creek beds, or trapped wild pigeons and quail and rabbits as he had learned to do as a boy. The garden failed because of the drought, and the fava beans and mustard did got grow along the creek sides as there was no water in the creeks. And the pigeons, quail, and rabbits were few. Even the horse his father had owned had come up lame not long after its master's death, and it too had become jerky for the pot. But now, even that was gone.

           So, Juan decided it was time he took work away from home--he was a man, and large for his age, even if he did not have his full height yet. He could send a little money back to help. He had heard of work in the great valley to the west from passing vaqueros, the San Joaquin Valley. Work at one of the great ranchos, the San Emigdio, said to be two days south of the new gringo town of Baker's Field. 

           And it would mean that he would learn to become a vaquero.

           He would ride a tall horse.

           One of many that would make up his remuda of horses.

           His mind was made up. He would leave at first light.

           Tio Jorge centered his walking stick at the side of his chair so he could rise, and teetered up to his feet. "I will go to check the traps now. Maybe there is a fat rabbit."

           "No, Tio. I will go. It will be the last time I can help you for a long time." Juan would go, but he knew he would find nothing in the rabbit snares or the bird traps. They had found nothing for over a month.

           Even the wildlife had abandoned this parched land.

           "You are a good boy, Juan." Tio Jorge collapsed back into the chair.

           "No, a man, Tio. I am a man now."

           "As you say, Juanito."

           "Juan, not Juanito. Juan Ochoa, the vaquero."

           Juan hurried out as his uncle stared after him. Then the old man's eyes misted over and his throat burned. "A man," he muttered to himself. "Hardly a man," and a vaquero? Not a vaquero for many years, until many skills were acquired. He could ride, but that was far from being a vaquero, a caballero. If only he finds a compassionate segundo, or foreman, at the San Emigdio; a man who remembers a time when he was young. For to get that far and not find a job would be a terrible thing—Jorge could think of nothing worse for his nephew. Except not making it to the San Emigdio because of the drought.

           He hung his head, refused to think of his grand-nephew dying on a parched trail, and began to doze.

           He didn't remember his niece, Juanito's mother, Angelina, helping him to bed. 

           He lay awake on his frame leather-laced cot before sunup and listened as Juan rose from his sleeping mat and pulled on his jerga pants and shirt. The younger children now slept in the smaller of the two rooms of the small adobe, with their mother, and he and Juan slept in the large room that served as bedroom, dining room, and kitchen.

           Jorge did not look forward to explaining to Angelina where her oldest son had gone, for he had agreed not to tell her that Juan was leaving--it had been an agreement, just between the men.

           Juan made his way to his mother's single cupboard and pulled aside the cloth covering and removed four tortillas and placed them in a small cloth sack he would take with him. Then he moved to a bin and dipped out a handful of beans and they joined the tortillas in the sack. He padded quietly back across the room and looked down into Jorge's eyes, to see if he was sleeping.

           "I am awake, Juanito." Jorge whispered. Show those valley vaqueros how tall an Ochoa can stand, how tall he sits the saddle....  And take my sombrero. It would not do for a vaquero not to have...."

           "Yes, uncle." Juan reached down and squeezed the old man's hand--his sombrero was one of the few prized possessions the old man had left--then turned to the door.

           But a quiet voice echoed from the doorway separating the two rooms. "You would leave without embracing your mother?" she asked.

           Juan paused, then walked to where she stood in her ragged nightgown--tall enough that he was face to face with her. "No, mama, not if you are awake."

           But she brushed by him and went to the cupboard and shuffled though the meager things there for a moment before she turned back. "Give me the tortillas you took," she commanded.

           Knowing that he would be in serious trouble without them, still Juan obediently opened the sack and dug them out for her.

           Carefully, she took the last of the chocolate she had hidden away and spread it on two of the tortillas and rolled them up, then added a spoonful of leftover beans to each of the other two and rolled them. She wrapped them all in a cloth and handed them back. He stuffed them away, then moved into her open arms and felt her shudder slightly as she hugged him.

           "Vaya con Dios, and return to your family soon," she said quietly, but she thought, I will never see my son again.  He will become a vaquero, far away, and never return. He will have no children, for the land and the cattle will become his mistress, and the reata and a tall stallion his pride. She turned, went back to bed, and to worrying about her remaining four children.

           With an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach, barefoot, and with four filled tortillas and a handful of raw beans in the cloth sack along with his prized possession, an eight inch iron knife his father had left him, he walked out without looking back. 

           A corked goatskin bag with a shoulder strap hung from a peg alongside Tio Jorge's sombrero on the outside wall, and Juan picked it up as he went by--leaving his uncle's prized sombrero, for he could not bring himself to take it. He could not imagine seeing his uncle outside without the hat proudly perched on his head. 

           Stopping at one of the few sink holes left in the Salinas River, a mile upriver from where his father had built their adobe just before Juan had been born, he filtered the stagnant water through his jerga shirt to fill the goat skin. He would have enough for two days, even in the heat of summer.

           Carving a pole from the river willows growing on the dry river bed, he hung the goat-gut bag and the cloth one from one end. Placing the pole and his meager belongings across his shoulder he set out into the rising sun.

           Before he had walked half the morning, climbing the low hills, bearing south to pick up the old Indian trading trail to the valley, the sun beat down in earnest. He wondered, as he rubbed the back of his neck, if he had made a mistake not accepting his uncle's generosity and taking the sombrero.

           The lomarias lay covered with oaks, underlain with sparse wild oats gone golden in the summer heat. Specks of dark green oaks dappled the golden hillsides. Meadowlarks flew before him and an occasional hawk circled above, easily riding the currents of rising hot air. In the distance, when he could see far enough through the low hills, false lakes wavered, teasing him with feigned reprieve from the heat. By the afternoon, he had not eaten; had only stopped twice to take a couple of mouthfuls of water, but now, even as tough as they were, his feet began to burn on the hot baked soil of the trail.

           He had walked at least fifteen miles, he thought. He could rest, and eat something.

           He turned off the trail and made his way forty feet up a low hillside to a wide oak and plopped down below it on a variegated lichen covered rock. He dug into the cloth sack and pulled out one of the tortillas and slowly ate half of it, savoring each chocolate filled bite for a long time in his mouth before he swallowed it. A blue-bellied lizard watched him from a nearby rock, doing pushups in the sun. Just as Juan was about to decide to go on, he heard the sounds of hoof beats. He stayed in the shade until he saw them approach.

           Five riders, vaqueros, each well mounted and one with silver trim on his saddle. As they drew even with where he had left the trail he stepped out from under the spreading branches and called out, "Ola!"

           To his surprise, two of the vaqueros whipped sidearms up and leveled them at him.

           "Quien es?" one called out.

           He sunk back into the shadows of the tree. "Only Juan Ochoa of Paso Robles!" he answered, his voice timid.

           The man in the lead, the vaquero with the fine silver trim on his saddle, reined his tall gray stallion off the trail and spurred him up the hillside. He pulled rein and the horse sidestepped and danced as he spoke. "Step out, Juan Ochoa, so you can be seen. You have put a terrible fright into my amigos," he said, and laughed.

           Juan stepped out into the sunlight. "I did not mean--"

           "They will live to be frightened again," he said. The vaquero was thin faced and he too wore a sidearm as well as carried a long arm in a saddle scabbard. His sombrero was laced with silver thread to match his saddle trim and he wore silver conchos down the sides of his tight fitting calzonevas. He was as handsome a vaquero as Juan had ever seen. "Where are you going, Juan Ochoa?" he asked.

           "To the San Joaquin Valley, to become a vaquero," Juan said, and stood taller as he did so, throwing his shoulders back.

           "It is many miles to the San Joaquin, muchacho," he man said. "Have you seen other riders on the trail?"

           "No, senor. No one since I left the pueblo of Paso Robles."

           "That is good. The trail is not crowded." 

           "You are going to Paso Robles?" Juan asked.

           "Where we are bound is not your concern, muchacho. You have a long journey, and I will not keep you."

           Juan nodded, picked up his bundle and placed it over his shoulder, and strode out without looking back. He heard the men laugh and wondered what they found funny, but still did not look. He strode on to the sound of their hoof beats fading in the distance.

           That night, he finished the last of the tortilla he had eaten earlier, and with his stomach growling, managed to fall asleep under an oak tree--but the trees were becoming more scarce. Tomorrow night, he thought, he would be sleeping under the stars.

           It was the middle of the next day while he sat and finished his second tortilla when he noticed that his goat gut was leaking slowly. His water was well over half gone, and he wondered if he was halfway to the valley. He would have to find water before he came down out of the hills and sat out across the long sage-covered flats. He had been told that it was another day across them before water could be found.

           There was nothing to catch the leak in but his mouth. But he couldn't just set and wait for the water to drip out, or he would be no closer to the water hole that he must find. So he walked, with the bag held in front of him, and every time a drip formed, he sucked it away. At least it kept his mouth wet as he traveled.

           But by that night, the water bag was empty.

           With the morning his mouth tasted as fresh horse dung smelled, and by noon of the third day, like dung-dust. Still he carried the bag, for if he found water he would have to have it. And searching for water lengthened his trip. Each time he would see a patch of green willows or a grove of cottonwood, he would move away from the trail to check and see if a spring or seep was the source of the life color. But so far, it was not. Finally, in a cut in a hillside, he found a seep. But less than that, really. It was a slow drip. Again, he could not wait for the bag to fill. He slept there that night, drinking a few good mouthfuls, but only getting the bag a quarter full before he walked on. The mouthfuls had been enough to wash down the third tortilla. He carefully placed his handful of beans into the goat gut so they would soak, and even though he had nothing to cook them in, he could eat them raw if they were soft.

           By noon, he thought this would be the longest day of his life.

           By the late afternoon, he looked down across what must be the San Joaquin Valley. It stretched out before him as far as he could see in the hazy heat of summer. The trees were behind him now, and in front was only a broad savanna of low grass. And he knew that somewhere beyond that was a sage and greasewood desert until the bottom of the valley, where there was life-giving sloughs and swamps. 

           But where, nearby, would there be water. 

           He started down until he found a cut in the hillside that would offer some shelter. He had found he could keep the last of the water from leaking by turning the bag upside down, keeping the water away from the seam at the bottom. He drank half of what was left, only three good mouthfuls. He walked well into the night, then he slept, sung to sleep by the yapping of coyotes and the distant howl of a lonely wolf.

           The next morning he drained the last of the water, but still had the handful of soaked beans. As he dropped into the valley, he continued to upend the bag and drop a bean into his mouth, chewing, savoring, keeping his mouth at least damp.

           It was hotter here and his feet burned continually, but still he walked on. There was nothing else to do. Hawks and turkey vultures and an occasional condor circled overhead. Once, a bush rabbit bolted in front of him, teasing him with its promise of succulent roast meat--but he did not have even a rock to throw at the sassy little beast.

           His beans were gone by noon, and by midafternoon, with the lomarias far behind him, and the wet beans only a memory, his tongue began to thicken.

           He had been wrong the day before--this was the longest day in his life.

           Finally, with the sun at his back and his shadow stretched out before him, he sank to his butt and sat in the trail. And with darkness, sleep swept over him like a shroud. He did not move from where he had sat, only lay over, and slept.

           He awoke, wondering if he had died in the night. He felt as if he had died--his joints ached, his eyes ached and seemed to be rubbed raw with the dust and dryness. His feet felt as if they had blistered, but he found none rising and soft to the touch. It was as if they were burned below the thick callous. 

           But the dawn was ahead of him, golden and promising of water in the valley bottom, but also threatening of the heat to come and the miles he must cross. He struggled to his feet and strode out with new strength, but within the hour, had begun to stagger. Again he sat, then lay on his back and watched with interest as the vultures wheeled overhead. He curled in a fetal position, and waited.

           He dreamed of home, and the Salinas River, when it ran full and joyous.

           The splash of water was like a slap. He coughed and sputtered and managed to rise to the laughter of a group of men. Then he realized it was water and opened his mouth like a baby sparrow and soon realized more--the man upon whom his blurred vision focused, the man who held a canteen of water and splashed it into his mouth, was the same vaquero he had seen on the trail, what seemed so many days before.

           A man who now seemed a savior.

           The men laughed and joked as he managed to gulp the water.

           "Juan.... Juan was your name, right muchacho?" the vaquero asked.

           "Si, senor," he managed with swollen tongue. "Juan Ochoa."

           Juan looked around him, and to his surprise, the men now drove a herd of over fifty horses. Fine horses, tall, and straight. And lathered, from a hard run.

           "Well, Juan Ochoa," he said, "my name is Enrico Zaragosa."

           "Si," Juan managed. Enrico put a strong arm under his and helped him to his feet.

           "You have made it to the San Joaquin, Juan. Have you found a job yet?" Enrico asked, and the men sitting their horses nearby guffawed loudly.

           Juan, exhausted and confused, just looked at the tall thin faced vaquero.

           "Well, I guess not. We are riding near Baker's Field, muchacho. There are a few farms and ranches nearby. Would you prefer to walk the next forty miles, or would you consider the loan of a mount to take you that far."

           "Ride," Juan managed.

           "Inocente," Enrico called to one of the men, "Take a lead rope and tie a hackamore for our young friend." Then he turned to another. "Paco, see if your loop can find a gentle horse broke to the rein...try one of those mares with the headstalls."

           Juan stood quietly as the men went to their tasks. 

           "When have you last eaten, muchacho?" Enrico asked.

           "A few bites yesterday." 

           "Here," he tossed a chunk of thick jerky to the boy, then followed it with his canteen. "Don't drink too much too fast, muchacho. You'll swell up like a toad and pop." He laughed and swung his horse away. The fat vaquero they had called Paco led over a small dun colored horse he had roped out of the herd and the other vaquero, Inocente, slipped a hackamore over the mare's nose, tied so the ends of the lead rope hung on either side and became reins.

           Juan tried to mount, but bareback with no stirrups he could not. With a laugh, Inocente reined his horse around and leaned down and caught him by the seat of his pants and lifted him, almost throwing him over the little horse.

           "He is a runt horse," Inocente said with a snarl, "you should give him to the runt boy."

           "His price may be far too high," Enrico said, "at least if we don't ride on. Yee haa!" he yelled, and they were away with a leap, circling behind the herd, getting them to a lope again.

           Juan reined the little horse away from the herd to the side, trying his best to hang on without stirrups or forks and cantle, and while trying to hang on to the canteen and the jerky. Soon he settled into the little animal's easy stride. 

           He was not a tall horse, this horse, but he rode easy. And it was so much better than lying in the wide dry plain, drying your bones in the scorching sun waiting for the vultures. 

           A ride. A ride to Baker's Field, or at least nearby.

           He could not believe his good fortune.

           At a lope, he reined the mare over next to the fat vaquero, Paco. "Senor Paco, is it far to this place. . .Baker's Field?"

           The man scowled at him. "A few miles. You should earn your way, chingadero. Get behind this herd and push them."

           Obediently, Juan pulled up the mare and let the herd pound past, then reined in behind them. The dust immediately coated him so he looked like an apparition. His mouth caught the flying dirt, tasting gritty on his teeth, and his eyes cramped and burned. He wished he had a bandanna to tie around his face, but he did not. Finally, he got wise and reined over to the side and out of the stream of dust that billowed behind the pounding herd.

           In the next few hours he covered many more miles than he ever could have on foot, even when he had water. After only a few miles, they began to have to pick their way around marshy tule lined areas, some of which were spotted with willows and cottonwoods. Just the sight and smell of the green foliage and water made him happy--but nothing made him so happy as riding the horse. He could not believe his good

fortune--even though the little mare was hardly his idea of what a true vaquero should ride.

           When the sun was low at their back, they had to rein up at a river's edge. The horses immediately moved to the bank and lined up and lowered their heads to drink. The bank lay grass and brush lined, but the horses managed to wade out knee deep and line the edge behind until all found a spot.

           Juan caught his breath, then reined over close to where the men had gathered. He was tired, bone tired, and filthy. He hoped they would stop and camp.

           "It is too soon, jefe." Paco referred to Enrico as boss.

           "Possibly, amigo, but I don't want to push them across while they are winded. The bed of the Kern is soft here and has quicksand. We may lose many of them, and that would make this a wasted week. We will wait until morning when the horses and we are fresh."

           Paco shook his head in disgust, but Juan sighed in relief. The men reined away from the horse herd and dropped from their saddles, then pulled their tack away from the lathered animals. 

           Enrico instructed two of the vaqueros. "Hobble that tall sorrel stallion and the big roan mare. They are the leaders and the others will not leave them."

           Juan watched intently, eager to help, but not wanting to do something the men would consider silly. Finally he dismounted and pulled the lead rope that had been tied as a hackamore off the mare and let her join the other horses. He watched as Enrico roped another tall dappled-gray stallion from the bunch and re-saddled, but he did not pull the cinch tight. He obviously was not going to mount the horse, only keep it at the ready. He tied it to a nearby cottonwood sapling.

           Juan found a spot at the river's edge and brushed the dust away as best he could, then washed his bare feet tenderly as they were very sore, then his hands and arms, and finally his face and hair--his hair was long, and suddenly the thought came to him: who would cut his hair now. His mother had always cut his hair. But then, other vaqueros did not have their mother to cut their hair. There must be a barbaro among the vaqueros? It was something he must ask, when he is among vaqueros he would work with. Then again, maybe he could find work here with Enrico and his men. They must be in the horse business?

           It was still hot, even though the sun had ducked below the horizon. Pulling the shirt off, he dried with it, then pulled it back on. It would dry quickly.

           Paco snapped at him to gather wood, and he did so and soon, even as weary as he was, he had a large stack of driftwood gathered from the river side in a pile in a clearing where men were centered.

           Paco built a small fire and one of the men produced a pot which an end of his bedroll had been stuffed into, and in minutes, coffee boiled.

           "Keep that fire low," Enrico cautioned.

           Paco looked at him with a glare, but said nothing. Each of the men produced his own cup and soon had coffee to compliment hard biscuits and jerky they pulled from pockets and bedrolls. Juan sat aside quietly as darkness fell, until Enrico noticed him and called him over. He dumped the dredges from his cup and handed it to him. 

           "Take coffee, and I have a biscuit and chunk of jerky for you. Tomorrow, you will go your own way."

           Juan paused. "I cannot ride anymore?"

           "No, muchacho. It is for your own good."

           Juan wondered at that, and wondered if it was a good time to ask for work with Enrico, but decided against it, instead he went to the pot and poured himself a cup of the black grunge from its bottom. "Should I add water to this pot?" he asked Inocente, who sat nearby.

           "Only if you want more," he said, then smiled at the boy. "Set the pot off the fire and smother it with some dirt. We want no glow from it." Juan looked at him curiously, but did as instructed. Inocente seemed pleased with him, "You watched me tie the hackamore today. Can you tie your own tomorrow?"

           Juan smiled, knowing the man was teasing him. "No, but I could learn to if you would teach me."

           "After you finish your coffee."

           Juan hurried through the scant dinner offering, then joined Inocente, who spent the next thirty minutes working with him, showing him the intricacies of the Spanish hackamore while the rest of the men smoked, worked on their tack, or cleaned their guns.

           Finally, Inocente tired of the instruction. "I'm going to roll out and bed down now, amigo. Why don't you do the same."

           Juan noticed that the rest of the men were asleep, except for one who sat his horse quietly out at the edge of the herd where the horses grazed. He found a spot in the grass, only a few feet from Enrico, and curled up. He had no trouble finding the respite of sleep.

           He sat up with a bolt, wondering what had caused him to, and rubbed his eyes in the predawn light--then another shot rang out close by. Juan flinched, startled at the muzzle flash and the clap of sound that made his ears ring.

           "Every hombre for himself," he heard Enrico shout and watched his back disappear toward the dappled gray he had tied to the sapling the night before. Without bothering to bridle up--the bridle hung on the saddle horn--or to tighten the cinch, Enrico vaulted in the saddle and gave his heels to the big gray. Chunks of dirt flew from the big horse's hooves as his powerful legs bolted to a gallop. He pounded away into the underbrush and shadows. More shots rang out and Juan sunk as deeply as he could into the grass.

           "Get that'un ridin' off," a man shouted. A man whose voice Juan had not heard before. A gringo.

           Men were running everywhere and shots split the night like thunderclaps. 

           Then the sounds seemed to fade as the voices--gringo voices--rang from farther out in the darkness, and the shooting stopped.

           Juan slowly, cautiously, climbed to his feet, standing with his head canted to the side, listening, trying to figure out what was happening.

           "Greaser!" he heard the shout from behind him and spun only to receive the butt of a rifle across the side of his head. He collapsed in a heap.

           When he awoke, the sun told him it was mid-morning and his aching wrists and shoulders told him he was trussed. He could not move, tied both wrists and ankles. His own heartbeat tortured him with a continued throb like an anvil being pounded in his head. Paco lay beside him in the grass, blood worming its way out of his thick black mane that was his hair, seeking respite from the hot sun below his collar.

           "What happened?" Juan asked groggily.

           "They caught us, muchacho stupido," Paco said angrily. Juan could see that the big man lay hog-tied with rawhide biting into his fat wrists.

           "Shut your face," a voice rang out, and Juan tried to sit up to see who was speaking from close behind them. "Stay down, greaser," the voice commanded.

           "I want to go home," Juan managed.

           "I'll bet," the voice said, then Juan could hear pounding hooves as more than one horse rode into camp and four mounted men came into view and slid to a stop in the clearing.

           "Couldn't catch 'em?" the voice behind him asked, and a half dozen men began to dismount.

           A thick shoulder man with a full black beard walked over and leaned over Paco and Juan, his knotted fingers on his thick knees. "Where's home for you boys?" he asked in a gravelly voice.

           Paco spat onto the ground near the man's booted feet. "In hell, amigo," Paco said, and received a hard kick to the ribs for his trouble.

           "Don't knock him out, Striker," another of the men said. "We want ol' gordo there to know he's being hung."

           The man with the beard, Striker, snarled back over his shoulder. "I want to know where the rest of those bloody horse thieves are headed, then we'll hang these 'uns and get after the others."

           Them? thought Juan. Surely they did not think he was involved in this, whatever this was. Even though his head hurt terribly, and his thoughts were scrambled, he spoke up. "I do not know these hombres, senor. I was in the desert, coming to Baker's Field and to San Emigdio ranch to find work. I was very sick with no water and they offered me the loan of a horse."

           "You borrowed a horse all right," Striker snarled, "you and these other greasers borrowed half a hundred of them."

           "He's only a boy," one of the men said, stepping forward to stand beside Striker. 

           Juan could see the man was little older than he was.

           "Bull dung," Striker snapped. "He rode a Oso's Ranch horse to get here an' that's good enough for me."

           The man who had been behind them while they lay tied spoke up. "The fat one said 'they caught us,' to the boy when the boy woke up. Us means the both of 'em. That's good enough for me."

           "The muchacho tells the truth, senor," Paco said, "I meant the other men and I when I said us.... Why would you harm this whelp of a muchacho?" and received another boot toe deep in his stomach for his trouble. He coughed and spat, then kept silent.

           Juan could feel the tears well in his eyes, then overcame it, refusing to show them he was only a child. "I have only just left my home in Paso Robles. . . I was going to find work."

           "Throw a couple of loops over that cottonwood limb, Striker commanded.

           "But Striker--" the young cowhand started to complain again.

           "Don't cross me McKenna our you'll find yersef' carryin' yer tack flung over yer shoulder, and it's still a fer piece into Baker's Field."

           "Yes, sir," the young man said, but did not participate as the others tied simple slip knots in the tails then flung the pair of hemp ropes over a thick limb.

           "What can I do?" Juan asked Paco in desperation.

           "You can die with dignity," Paco said, "and curse gringos to hell with every breath."

           The men came over and bent down and jerked them to their feet.

           "Holy Christ," the young cowhand said. "That boy don't even have no boots. He weren't one of this band."

           "I was walking across the desert and they offered me a horse," Juan said, hopefully. "I have only thirteen years."

           "Old enough to steal, old enough to hang," Striker said with finality, as the men walked them to the cottonwood.

           They had tied off the tails of the ropes to the tree trunk. One of them lifted Juan up in the saddle of a black floppy eared mule. Juan sat in stunned silence while three men fought to get a kicking squirming Paco up on another horse. Finally, one of them brought his gun butt hard across the vaquero's head, dazing him, and with the help of Striker, the four of them got him into the saddle.

           "You got any last words, greasers?" Striker asked.

           "He ain't tall enough," one of them observed. They had tied the rope off and the loop did not hang low enough to go over Juan's head.

           "Get my horse," Striker instructed.

           One of the men hurried across the clearing and picked up the reins of a tall palomino and led him over.

           In a heart-beat they had Juan out off the mule and astride the horse, and had the rough hemp rope fitted around his neck.

           "Now, again, any last words?" Striker asked.

           "He ain't even got no boots, not even no sandals," the young cowhand repeated.

           "Shut the hell up, McKenna or you'll be takin' shank's mare to town to look for work."

           "Then by your leave and by all that's holy, I will!" The young cowhand moved to a dappled strawberry roan in three strides and striped the saddle and bridle away, flung his tack over his shoulder, and strode out of camp mumbling that he would abide no outfit that hung children.

           "I'll be damned," Striker managed, watching him stomp away.

           "I think there is no question about that, gringo puerco," Paco said, then spat into the dirt.

           "Don't change things," Striker said, ignoring Paco's prediction, and the fact he had called him a pig. "Any of the rest of ya'll squeamish about hangin' horse thieves?"

           He got no complaint from the others, but two of the remaining three men hung their heads and would not look at him.

           Striker pulled his Colt's and fired into the air.

           Juan still did not believe what was happening to him as the tall horse bolted. He tried to cry out that he was only thirteen, and that his mother and brothers and sisters needed him to send money home, and that his uncle wanted him to sit tall in the saddle, and that he wanted to become a true vaquero, and above all that he was no horse thief--but words would not come as he heard the much heavier Paco's neck break, and kicked his own bare feet. Until they stilled.

           It had been much too short a time, astride a tall horse.


           Later that afternoon, while Striker and the three cowhands followed Enrico Zaragosa's trail, one of them turned to the burly trail boss of the Oso Ranch. "I hear'd the railroad was surveying up north?"

           "Yep. Sure as the sun rises, they'll be blowing steam down here in the south end of the valley sometime next year."

           "Do you think that'll be good for things?"

           Striker spat a long stream of tobacco juice into the dust where the tracks of the tall gray horse ridden by the escaping vaquero marked the ground. "It'll bring trade, but it'll also bring a bunch a' thievin' John Chinamen. We'll be chasing them next. By God, I wish they'd leave this country to those of us who took it by rightful means."

           Striker spat again. "I just want to get this done, get this greaser strung up and get on back to San Luis Obispo."

           They rode a few more strides before the cowhand spoke again. "Striker, what the hell does San Luis Obispo mean anyways. That's no proper name for a town."

           "Don't matter. Keep yer mind on yer business, we got a horse thief to catch."


L. J. Martin is the author of four dozen works of both fiction and non-fiction from Bantam, Avon, Pinnacle and Wolfpack Publishing, and formerly a publisher of over 400 titles from other authors. He lives in Montana with his wife, NYT bestselling romantic suspense author Kat Martin. He's been a horse wrangler, cook as both avocation and vocation, volunteer firefighter, real estate broker, general contractor, appraiser, disaster evaluator for FEMA, author, publisher and has traveled a good part of the world, some in his own ketch. A hunter, fisherman, photographer, cook, father and grandfather, he's been car and plane wrecked, visited a number of jusgados and a road camp, and survived cancer twice. He carries a bail-enforcement, bounty hunter, shield. He knows about what he writes about, and tries to write about what he knows. His work has topped the Amazon genre lists in Action Adventure and Western. He has over 120 videos posted on YouTube, with over a million views, edited by him on Final Cut Pro: search ljmartinwolfpack. You can join him at, on twitter at @westwrite, and on other social media sites. His Wolfpack Publishing LLC, now sold to a former partner, had great success in eBooks, having a disproportionate share of top action adventure novels in that genre, consistently over 60% of all of Amazon’s classic western bestseller list.

Other Fine Action Adventure from L. J. Martin

(and many more, available on Amazon)

West of the War

Young Bradon McTavish watches the bluecoats brutally hang his father and destroy everything he's known, and he escapes their wrath into the gunsmoke and blood of war. Captured and paroled, only if he'll head west of the war, he rides the river into the wilds of the new territory of Montana where savages and grizzlies await. He discovers new friends and old enemies...and a woman formerly forbidden to him.

Overflow. Mike Reardon, the Repairman, hates to mess his own nest—to work anywhere near where he lives. If you can call a mini-storage and a camper living. But when terrorists bomb Vegas, and a casino owner’s granddaughter is killed…the money is too good and the prey is among his most hated. Then again nothing is ever quite like it seems. Now all he has to do is stay alive, tough when friends become enemies and enemies far worse, and when you’re on top the FBI and LVPD’s list.

Click here to visit L. J. Martin’s Amazon Page!

Click here to email L. J. Martin!

Joe Ryan

writer at self

7 年

Great read. Great writer. Joe Ryan



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