Ride To Remember 2019
Sam M Cohen ?
Fractional Head of [Information] Technology (IT) - CIO, delivering [Small] Business Value & Resilience ? Technology Assurance ? IT Business Continuity (DR) ? Service Management
Between May 13 and 20, 2019, I will again be participating in the Ride to Remember, raising funds for educational endeavors promoting diversity and opposing intolerance. Especially in this time of historically high antisemitism, and the most blatant expressions of racism and bigotry worldwide, programs like this are all the more important. And, as much as this is of societal importance, it is as critical to successful business.
If you would like to offer financial support, please go to https://www.ride2remember.com/become-a-sponsor. There you can make a donation of any amount, or become a sponsor. If you prefer to send a donation via postal mail, you can also download the form there. Please note “R2R 2019 Hillel’s Angels” in the Last Name field. At your option I'd like to know if you made a donation (and, at your discretion, how much).
Most important is to participate by riding, donating and/or spreading the word.
For 15 years the Ride 2 Remember (https://ride2remember.com/) has worked to sustain the defining doctrine of all free men and woman around the world; that people of all races and religions must be treated equally and without prejudice. From 1933, when Dachau was set up, to 1945 when Hitler was defeated, six million men, women and children of the Jewish faith, along with 7 million other innocent people, were murdered in the worst genocide in the history of humankind.
Formal events will be held May 16 - 19 in St. Louis to raise money for The Holocaust Museum & Learning Center (https://hmlc.org/). The Center focuses on building a community of defenders. Even in the face of this world’s history of genocidal injustices we cannot lose hope that the next generation will hear, understand, feel compassion, and take action to end such tragedies.
Please support this very worthy cause,
Sam M Cohen