Ride Don't Hide 2018
The Canadian Mental Health Association's annual "Ride Don't Hide" event is scheduled for this Sunday, June 24th. I'm participating in the 100 kilometre ride in Vancouver and I'm very excited about it. I participated last year and I found it extremely rewarding. This is a very important event for me as I have dealt with severe depression and anxiety for many years and I use cycling to help manage it so Ride Don't Hide is an obvious event for me to participate in.
I had set a goal to raise $2500 this year, and I'm very close. I've currently managed to raise $2200, thanks to generous contributions from friends old and new including some who are also on linked in such as Shreyas Becker, Kyle Woestmann, Carsen Levins, Jeremiah de Groot, and Rob Reid. I really appreciate their kind donations to a very good cause and their willingness to stand up to reduce the stigma of mental health. I extend a very personal and heartfelt thank you to you all.
Still, I would really love to raise $2500. I would appreciate it if you would help me accomplish that by doing two things: First, please consider donating $5! It's fast and easy to do- just click on this link and it'll guide you through the process. Better yet donate $20 and get a tax deduction for it, emailed directly to your email box. Perfect! Second, please share this post and help spread the word improve my fundraising efforts. $2500 is enough to put 12 high school students who are struggling with anxiety and depression through a full day workshop. I will be very grateful and appreciative, and you'll be helping out a lot of high school students live healthier lives. So please, donate and share.
Thank you.