The Riddle of the Broken Streets
Dave Dutton-Fraser
President, Founder at Fraser's Edge Wordsmithing and EROS,Writer, Lecturer, Occultist, Wizard, Former Bad Guy.
I walk broken streets
Under a full red moon lit by Wild Fire
Looking for answers to questions unasked.
Among the dark corners and dim alleyways,
Bags of paper and plastic refuse
Are indistinguishable
From the human refuse,
Huddled in shadows from the cold
And the eyes of human predators.
A woman far too young to be looking so aged,
Her hair in disarray and fluttering
With the slight wind that smells of burning wood.
Hands shuffling and twisting at odd inhuman angles
To a swaying spine
As she waves at the odd passing vehicle
in a hopeless attempt to sell
What little is left of her humanity and dignity
For a World of Dreams.
A large, heavy man on a bicycle
Built for some one far smaller than he,
Looking like the bear at the circus operating a tricycle,
Offers to sell me the vehicle beneath his girth.
I ask to be shown the sales receipt
And he glares at me menacingly
Until he sees that instead of radiating fear,
I shine with amusement.
Two young men, tall and thin and looking underfed,
Ask me if I want any "product"?
One offers me "Hard" while the other offers me "Pint".
I reply in the affirmative
And ask for fifty cents worth of each.
Their already glazed eyes become even more confused
And their movements freeze in a combination
Of bewilderment and indecision.
The Mountain on two small wheels I left behind,
Demonstrating an amazing gift for hearing,
Hollers at them
That I am an"Asshole"!
The bellowing sound of irony
In that he has stolen from a child
Does not escape me.
A colourful caravan of trash filled shopping carts
Circled for the night
Under the care of urban gypsies
Is secreted in the outside cloister of a "soup kitchen".
These elderly miners
Of square metal caves and alley depositories
Study the value of what was deemed worthless
By former owners.
Patio umbrellas and stretched tarp forming a torn roofs
And bunched blankets and bags of tattered linen
Form the dismal palaces and thrones of these destitute kings.
I gracefully refuse their royal commands with a smile
To come sit and share
Hard liquor and tough stories.
Turning southward after my late night sojourn
I see the river valley
And spy the twinkling light among many
That mark one as my home.
I am startled, for I am
Approached by an unkept scavenger.
Her appearance and smell
Disguised by smoke scented wind and darkness.
"Gotta spare smoke?" she asks
With words that carry as much grace as emotion.
Like tribute to an ancient city Gate-keeper
I hand her the paper wrapped tobacco
And exit her world.
Under a bright red moon lit by Wild Fire
I have found answers
Among those that live among the night
Upon broken streets.
The questions of course,
Are still unknown.