A rich softer approach to mental health and relationship success

A rich softer approach to mental health and relationship success

Creating a healthy, happy, and successful relationship doesn’t happen by accident. It requires intentionally to create the relationship we desire. It requires we invest in bringing our best selves to our relationship…?

As challenging as this might be at times, it is even more challenging when we struggle with our personal wellbeing and mental health…?

And nothing happens in a vacuum. Everything is interconnected. So, if we are not feeling well, that will impact our relationship and our life. And if we are going through a rough patch in our relationship and our life, then our wellbeing suffers…?

But let’s not get stuck in what came first, the chicken or the egg.?

Let’s instead focus on taking care of ourselves no matter what and investing in our relationship as we go… These ensure we can tackle anything life throws at us, and that we live our best life…?

We are embracing a practice makes progress approach. No shaming and guilting ourselves about anything!?

Then, we implement a soft Self-Love Practice… And a soft Partner-Love Practice… Where we focus on delighting our partnerSoft means not grinding but with compassion, joy, grace, and generosity.

It’s all about the intention behind our rhythms and our lifestyle we choose day in and day out.?

Give it a thought, design what days and life you want to experience, and then put in the routines, habits, rituals, traditions, practices to enrich your relationship and your life.?

Your investment in your overall wellbeing and your relationship success will reward you with the relationship and life you love.

Check out the NEWEST "Successful Relationship with Emma" Podcast Episode "Naturopathic and Spiritual Approach to Mental Health and Overall Wellbeing (Ep. 26)" - with Guest Dr. Serena Goldstein, Naturopathic Doctor ! It includes a video!

There you'll also find our FREE 1-pg downloadable Connecting For Change Guidelines to help inspire change in your relationship and your partner!


