Rice Bran Oil Vs. Sunflower Oil

Rice Bran Oil Vs. Sunflower Oil

To eat healthily, we must keep in mind to cook healthy food. The most vital ingredient for cooking food is oil. There are ample oil varieties available in the market.

The oil enhances the flavour of the food and has a big impact on your health or any?medical condition. We love eating food which is delicious in taste, and oil is what makes the difference.

When following a diet, we are only concerned about the food items we consume in restricted portions.

We should know about the oil we use. Have you questioned yourself about how healthy the oil should be??

Let us understand the two most popular oils advertised everywhere, “Rice bran Oil and sunflower oil”, and make ourselves aware of which is healthier for us.

What Is Rice Bran Oil?

Rice bran oil is extracted from the very primary layer of the rice, known as chaff; it is considered the healthiest oil for consumption, which has a mild flavour, and its smoking point is 232-degree Celsius.?

Due to these properties, rice bran oil is ideal for deep and stir-frying. As per WHO, rice bran oil keeps cholesterol levels in check, and this oil is more well-known in Asian countries.?

Rice bran has almost 15% of oil. Preparing rice bran oil includes the removal of rice grain and husk, which gives in a grain of brown rice. The brown rice germ and bran layer are then separated, resulting in white rice grain.?

According to experts, the oil is first removed from the bran and germ. Then the oil is refined and separated into a clear liquid form. This clear liquid has to be extra cold filtered for maximum purity then the left complex fraction is purified and used to make the final rice bran oil.

What Is Sunflower Oil?

Sunflower oil is extracted from pressed sunflower seeds which are used in cooking. The oil is golden in colour and has low saturated fats and high amounts of PUFA. Moreover, sunflower oil is also used in medicine.

Sunflower oil is extracted from the middle brown bub of the flower, and it gets oxidised soon when exposed to air, heat and light.

Nutritional Facts Of Rice Bran Oil And Sunflower Oil

Check out the nutritional value of rice bran oil and sunflower oil and get an idea of which one you can bring into use for better health benefits.

Rice Bran Oil Per Table Spoon

  • Calories- 120 kcal
  • Fat- 14g
  • Sodium- 0mg
  • Carbohydrates- 0g?
  • Fibre- 0g
  • MUFA- 7.05g?
  • PUFA- 4.95g
  • SFA- 3g

Sunflower Oil Per Table Spoon

  • Calories- 120 kcal
  • Fat- 14g
  • Saturated fat- 1.8g
  • Sodium- 0mg
  • Carbohydrates- 0g?
  • Fibre- 0g
  • MUFA- 12.75g

Moving further, both the oils have their unique qualities and properties. Let us see what both have to offer.

Nutritional Facts Of Rice Bran Oil And Sunflower Oil

For more information about?Rice Brain Oil Vs Sunflower Oil. Read to know more.



