The Ribbon of Poppies

The Ribbon of Poppies

Tonight we welcomed Seoul, South Korea to the Ribbon of Poppies, along with several more Air Cadet Squadrons, Schools, Companies and Parish and County Councils.

The Ribbon was created to be something simple to join and take part in. Initially we hoped to create one from Lands End to John O'Groats, but have been pleasantly surprised at the way it has been taken to heart and become Global.

It is free to pledge and you can source poppies from a variety of supplier, one option is to source them from the Ancre Somme Team who visit schools as part of keeping the message alive about WW1 as well as seek to create a memorial to a WW1 Victoria Cross winner. Packets of seeds can cost as little as a pound.

In countries or areas that are not suitable for growing poppies you can utilise items that are prolific, some areas are planning to create them in sand, some in snow, some in stone...whatever is to hand. Others are recycling plastics to create their Ribbon of Remembrance.


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