RIBA Plan of Works

RIBA Plan of Works

We regularly post publications to our website as we feel it's important our existing and potential new clients understand the process of a complete Architectural and Design service.

As an Architectural practice, chartered by the Royal Institute of British Architects, our services and activities are based around the work stages outlined within the current RIBA Plan of Work document which has evolved over the last 50 years.

We find this helpful as a simple framework to explain to Clients what we can provide and how the services interlink to create a complete Architectural and Design service for assessing the viability of a project through to its completion on site.

The seven stages take you from stage 0 - strategic definition, the first contact with a potential client, right through to stage 7 - In use, where the design is complete and handover and occupation has occurred.

To read our in depth article of the RIBA stages of work, click the following link.https://www.hallidayclark.co.uk/riba-plan-of-work/

Plan of works stages



