Rhythmic Sound EnergyMedicine
Helen Argyrou
Leadership Expert |Peak Performance Neuroscience Training |GESY Clinical Psychologist 25y |Researcher|Integrative Health and Xtravisionary Conference founder|Enneagram Executive/Coach Mentor
For a long time the fascination with creative ways to drive healing and advance consciousness has taken all ym focus. Disovering the work of Jeffery Strong and Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention (REI), his MusicMedicine therapy program that uses hand drumming rhythms to stimulate the central nervous system and improve brain function has been a career breakthrough (1). The moment when you gasp as you realise, the way you work will forever change.
The Strong Insitute now designs short-term and long-term improvements in a various symptoms common to neurobiological disorders which I have since used to successfully treat along with psychotherapy the following conditions; Epilepsy; Anxiety; ADHD; Behavioural problems; Depression; Autism; Schizophrenia, Autism Comorbidity and a client with a brain shaft.
Custom-made recordings played as background music with complex, unusual percussion rhythms chosen to address specific behavioral and cognitive areas are used to reduce symptoms. Based on a comprehensive intake questionnaire and interview process, REI uses music medicine derived from two ancient rhythmic drumming techniques long since used to treat psychological and physical illnesses. Shamanic drumming and rhythm healing, both use specific rhythmic drumming patterns to induce neurological alterations that drive the brain into alpha brainwaves and help integrate the nervous system.
Shamanic drumming, around 30,000 years old, considered one of the oldest organized systems for healing creates a single, repetitive rhythm played between three and four beats per second. Lasting from ten minutes to well over an hour this organised sound induces a trance state and with specific visualizations can help facilitate healing of a variety of illnesses, both physical and psychological.
Rhythm-healing however depends on symptoms or the cause of the illness to influence the internal rhythmic patterns of the individual and correct those thought cause illness. Said to treat a variety of psychological conditions and originating in West Africa, it spread to parts of Central America, North America, South America, and the Caribbean.
"The Minianka musician who heals does not necessarily fall back on a repertory of established rhythms," says Malian drummer Yaya Diallo.
The rhythm healer goes through considerable training in order to be able to choose and perform the correct rhythms for his patient which are uniquely based on behavioral and psychological aspects of that person.
"Determining the right music in each case is a highly individual matter. No predetermined formulas are given. He needs to create a dialogue between the sounds he produces and the responses of the person he ís treating. Through his trained observation, he discovers the right rhythm for his patient. It may be a new rhythm, uniquely indicated for the case before him."(3)
As in rhythm healing, REI combines specific rhythms with a steady shamanic drumming style pulse to address particular behaviors played at eight beats per second. These rhythms influence the brain and central nervous system through the process of entrainment which synchronizes two or more rhythmic cycles. First discovered by Dutch scientist Christian Huygens in 1665, while working on the design of the pendulum clock, Huygens found that when he placed two of them on a wall near each other and started them at different times, they would eventually end up ticking in unison. Entrainment has been found to be a universal force in nature and will act on any two or more vibrating bodies as long as they have similar rhythmic cycles.
An auditory stimulus, like shamanic drumming can entrain internal brain wave frequencies, known as auditory driving, and directly relates to the speed of the rhythm played and the brain wave state created. Moreover, it need not be repetitive or unvarying to have this effect. The research documents the phenomenon of entrainment in many areas. Like in how respiration and heart-rates have been shown to be entrained by sound;(4) motor movements can be entrained by an auditory stimulus;(5,6,7,8,9) subtle body movements of people in conversation will synchronize;(10) and brain waves can be entrained by listening to an auditory rhythm (11,12,13).
Varying rhythms can also produce altered states of consciousness, soothe and also energize the nervous system. Listening for just ten minutes, spatial abilities can improve by 15% in normal children over those who listen to silence, a simple melody or a continuous tone.(15). Surprisingly, variable rhythm alone improved spatial task abilities more than listening to Mozart's baroque music (16), whilst ones played at 4 beats per second were found to create the same theta state as when the steady, non-varying 4 beat-per-second rhythm was used by Maxwell (14). The energizing effect of them on the nervous system, increase neuronal activity and excite the entire brain region even in people with severe neurological disorders.(17,18,19,20,21,22). An unpredictable or varying rhythm causes the nervous system to activate in an effort to decipher it and find a pattern enhancing learning and creativity.(23)
Unusual or varying rhythms alter consciousness and also activate the brain wherein learning and overall neuronal activity heighten. REI's eight-beat-per-second rhythms target the alpha frequency, which has been found to be beneficial in improving overall brain function as well as heightening learning and sensory processing.(24) Here lies a key to the future of health optimization, since many people with neurobiological disorders have a difficult time producing and maintaining alpha waves in their brains and more still even without neurologial issues will due to increased use of technology and device overdrive.
"Current research also suggests that increasing the production of alpha waves may improve some of the symptoms of these conditions especially in attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities. Beyond stimulating the entire brain and producing an alpha frequency, REI uses specific rhythms which correspond to certain behavioral and cognitive characteristics. For instance, a rhythm in 21/16 appears to be especially effective at calming most individuals with autism, while a rhythm in 47/16 has been found useful for reducing self-stimulatory behaviors. Not only are these rhythms in odd time signatures, but the accent patterns are such that it is very difficult to find the downbeat in the rhythm".(26)
The REI Program consider, every aspect of the individual's behavioral, cognitive characteristics are taken into account through an in-depth intake interview and rhythms are chosen to address specific areas. Language and communication skills, self-stimulatory behavior, attention span, aggression, anxiety, and others can all be targetted over the treatment timeline. Mainly used for developmental and learning disabilities such as autism and attention deficit disorder, benefits span the spectrum, with each individual experiencing different results. Played once a day for twelve weeks five days per week reveal results generally appearing as developmental gains in week four vary and solificy by week eight.
Recent research by the Strong Institute has guided new programs that now also optimising productivity and focus and all can be pruchased and mediated with a case manager, like myself. Simply visit helenaha.com and book a free discvoery call to discuss.
1. Spintge, R.; Droh R. "The International Society of Music in Medicine (ISMM) and the Definition of MusicMedicine and Music Therapy". Spingte, Droh, Ed. MusicMedicine. MMB Music, Inc. St. Louis, 1992. 3-5.
2. Harner, M. The Way of the Shaman. 3rd ed. New York: Harper San Francisco, 1990.
3. Diallo, Y. and Hall, M. The Healing Drum: African Wisdom Teachings. Rochester, Vermont: Destiny, 1989.
4. Goldman, J. "Sonic Entrainment". Spingte, Droh, Ed. MusicMedicine. MMB Music, Inc. St. Louis, 1992. 194-208.
5. McIntosh, G.C.; Thaut, M.H.; Rice, R.R. "Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (RAS) as Entrainment and Therapy Technique in Gait of Stroke and Parkinson's Disease Patient's". MusicMedicine 2. MMB Music, Inc. St. Louis, 1996. 145-152.
6. Safranek,M.; Koshland, G.; Raymond, G. "Effect of Auditory Rhythm on Muscle Activity". Physical Therapy, 62, 1982. 161-168.
7. Thaut, M.H.; McIntosh, G.C.; Prassas, S.G.; Rice, R.R. "Effect of Rhythmic Cuing on Temporal Stride Parameters and EMG Patterns in Normal Gait". Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation, 6, 1992. 185-190.
8. Thaut, M.H.; McIntosh, G.C.; Prassas, S.G.; Rice, R.R. "Effect of Rhythmic Cuing on Temporal Stride Parameters and EMG Patterns in Hemiparetic Stroke Patients". Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation, 7, 1993. 9-16.
9. Thaut, M.H.; Schleiffers, S.; Davis, W. "Changes in EMG Patterns Under the Influence of Auditory Rhythm". Spingte, Droh, Ed. MusicMedicine. MMB Music, Inc. St. Louis, 1992. 80-101. McIntosh, et al. 1996)
10. Condon, W.S. "Multiple Response to Sound in Dysfunctional Children". Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia 5:1, 1975. 43.
11. Jilek, W.G. Salish Indian Mental Health and Culture Change: Psycho Hygienic and Therapeutic Aspects of the Guardian Spirit Ceremonial. Toronto and Montreal: Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1975.
12. Maxfield, M. "The Journey of the Drum". ReVision Vol. 16, No.2, 1994. 157-163.
13. Neher, A. "A Physiological Explanation of Unusual Behavior in Ceremonies Involving Drums". Human Biology 34, 1962. 151-160.
14. Maxfield, M. "The Journey of the Drum". ReVision Vol. 16, No.2, 1994. 157-163.
15. Parsons, L.M. "What Components of Music Enhance Spatial Abilities?" Paper presented at the VIth International MusicMedicine Symposium, Oct. 10-12, 1996, San Antonio.
16. Rauscher; Shaw; Key. "Music and Spatial Task Performance". Nature, October 14, 1993.
17. Melvill Jones, G.; Watt, D. "Observation on the Control of Stepping and Hopping Movements in Man". Journal of Physiology, 213, 1971. 703-727.
18. Paltsev, Y.I.; Elner, A.M. "Change in the Functional State of the Segmental Apparatus of the Spinal Cord Under the Influence of Sound Stimuli and its Role in Voluntary Movement". Biophysics, 12, 1967. 1219-1226.
19. Rossignol, S.; Melvill Jones, G. "Audio-spinal Influences in Man Studied by the H-reflex and its Possible Role in Rhythmic Movements Synchronized to Sound". Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 41, 1976. 83-92.
20. Scartelli, J. "Subcortical Mechanisms in Rhythmic Processing". Paper presented at the meeting of National Association for Music Therapy, November 1987, San Francisco.
21. Scartelli, J. "Music Therapy and Psychoneuroimmunology". Spingte, Droh, Ed. MusicMedicine. MMB Music, Inc. St. Louis, 1992. 137-141.
22. Shatin, L.; Kotter, W.L.; Douglas-Longmore, G. "Music Therapy for Schizophrenics". Journal of Rehabilitation. 27:Sep, 1961. 30-31.
23. Rossi, E. The Psychobiology of Mind-Body Healing. New York: Norton, 1986.
24. Ostrander, S; Schroeder, L. Super-Learning 2000. New York. Dell. 1994.
25. Strong, J. "Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention (REI) as Applied to Childhood Autism". A paper presented at the VI International MusicMedicine Symposium, October 10-12, 1996, San Antonio.