Rhodiola Rosea  also known  as “golden root” is an  Adoptogen  Herb

Rhodiola Rosea also known as “golden root” is an Adoptogen Herb

Rhodiola, sometimes also called Arctic root or golden root, is considered an adaptogenic herb, meaning that it acts in non-specific ways to increase resistance to stress, without disturbing normal biological functions.

Rhodiola For What Ails You?

What can you tell me about rhodiola?

 I’ve heard it’s supposed to prevent fatigue and relieve depression. Do you think it is worthwhile?

Rhodiola is a remarkable herb that has a wide and varied history of uses. It is thought to strengthen the nervous system, fight depression, enhance immunity, elevate the capacity for exercise, enhance memory, aid weight reduction, increase sexual function and improve energy levels.

How much should one take?

Look for products that are similar to those studied in clinical trials containing 2-3% rosavin and 0.8-1% salidroside. Start with 100 mg once a day for a week and then increase the dosage by 100 mg every week, up to 400 mg a day, if needed. Taking it early in the day to avoid any interference with sleep.

While the home of rhodiola rosea is considered to be Russia, this plant is actually found in other geographical locations as well. It thrives in almost all countries in Europe. Scientific literatures even confirm its use in Sweden, Norway, France, Germany and Iceland. Moreover, this herbal medicine may be found in Middle Asia, where rhodiola tea is considered an effective treatment for cold and flu. It also grows in several places in America, including Alaska, Canada and California.

Despite its availability in various countries, I believe that the best source of rhodiola rosea is still Siberia, Russia. If you're planning to take this supplement, make sure that its rhodiola ingredient came from Siberia. You should also check if it contains at least 3 percent rosavin and 1 percent salidroside to guarantee its quality and efficiency

    Mother Earth Living, Rhodiola Rosea: Origins of Rhodiola Rosea

The Epoch Times, Boost Memory, Cognition With Rhodiola, October 12, 2015

American Botanical Council, Rhodiola rosea: A Phytomedicinal Overview, 2002; 56:40-52

Many doctors of functional medicine prescribe rhodiola as an effective alternative to anti-depressant medications. This works because rhodiola increases dopamine sensitivity which has been shown to improve mood and also help fight food cravings and addictions.

In a clinical trail with 150 individuals suffering from depression, participants were given rhodiola rosea for one month. At the end of the trail two-thirds of the group had full remission of depression symptoms and daytime weakness had also greatly improved.

Brown R, Gerbarg P, Ramazanov Z. Rhodiola rosea: a phytomedicinal overview. HerbalGram. American Botanical Council. 2002; 56:40-52.

It’s rhodiola. For starters, rhodiola is one of those rare substances that boosts energy at the source—your cells. It triggers the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate)—the “energy molecule” in your cells.

Rhodiola also boosts creatine phosphate. This helps increase the amount of energy available to your muscles, improving your endurance and recovery.

Once the Russians discovered this, they started giving rhodiola to their Olympic athletes. They found that it ramped up endurance, reaction times, speed, strength and endurance. And led to a slew of Olympic gold medals.

But you don’t have to be an athlete or an astronaut to benefit from rhodiola. It works for anyone. And can boost your mental energy, too.

For instance, in one study, researchers gave rhodiola to students cramming for exams. The students had more energy and scored higher on tests.

In another study, researchers gave rhodiola to doctors who had to work all-night shifts. The doctors taking rhodiola scored much higher on alertness, memory, calculations, and concentration. Exactly what you want from a doctor who has to make life-or-death decisions.

And in still another study, researchers gave rhodiola to 181 military cadets. The cadets scored much higher in speed of mental tasks, memory, attention, and decision-making. So much higher, that researchers said the odds of this happening without rhodiola were 1,000 to 1!

Rhodiola really shines at improving your response to stress. That’s because it reduces cortisol, a stress hormone. This lets your body devote more energy to other things, like exercise. Which helps you burn off calories and keep your weight in a healthy range.

Rhodiola also stimulates your neurotransmitters—like serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. This can improve your mood, energy, and sleep. In one study, rhodiola helped people sleep longer, sleep more soundly, and have more high-quality restorative “REM” sleep.

In short, rhodiola is a great antidote to today’s hectic, high-stress world. Yet as powerful as rhodiola is, Rhodiola can increase your stamina and endurance by increasing your red blood cell count. Red blood cells (RBC) carry oxygen to muscles, and having a higher count can dramatically improve an athlete’s performance and delay fatigue. Rhodiola benefits work by boosting EPO also known as erythropoetin which stimulates RBC production.

According to a study published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism in 2004 rhodiola has anti-inflammatory benefits to cause rapid recovery of muscles and improved endurance.

De Bock K, Eijnde BO, Ramaekers M, Hespel P. Acute Rhodiola rosea intake can improve endurance exercise performance. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2004 Jun;14(3):298-307.

The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional Naturopath’s advice .All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.

Thank you … Rhodiola can calm your body when your system goes into a “fight or flight” mode from everyday stressors. When the hormone cortisol stays high for a long period of time from emotional or physical stress it can cause your body to experience:

  • lowered blood glucose response
  • abdominal weight gain
  • thyroid issues
  • hormone imbalance
  • decreased memory
  • weakened immunity

Can rhodiola cause anxiety?

No, rhodiola rosea does not cause anxiety. However, if you already have an anxiety disorder, you must take this supplement only if your physician advises you to, as it may worsen the symptoms of anxiety if used incorrectly. Some of the possible side effects that it may cause include restlessness and irritability.

Livestrong, Side Effects of Rhodiola Rosea Extract, April 21, 2016

Rhodiola is gaining a reputation as one of the most powerful herbs to support anti-aging, fat burning, increased energy, focus and improved mood.

As for rhodiola extract benefits, a 2002 review in HerbalGram, the journal of the American Botanical Council, reported that numerous studies of rhodiola in both humans and animals have indicated that it helps prevent fatigue, stress, and the damaging effects of oxygen deprivation.

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