Rhizosphere Flavonoid~Horizontally~Luteolin~Apple Skin~Anticancer~Duck~Polyphenolics~    Azolla~Diabetes~Bryostatin~Fern~ Star Metallicity~Nodes

Rhizosphere Flavonoid~Horizontally~Luteolin~Apple Skin~Anticancer~Duck~Polyphenolics~ Azolla~Diabetes~Bryostatin~Fern~ Star Metallicity~Nodes

As, For “Space Forming Human’s Medicinal Flavonoids”, As, “Human’s Anticancer Motions”, As, “In Plants”, As, For Space Forming Flavonoids, As, In “Plant Root’s Rhizomatous”, As, For “Rhizobium Legume Symbionts”, As, For “Rhizomatous Flavonoids Protect Plants”, As, “Bioactive Space Forming”, As, For “Rhizomatous Networking”, As, For “Plant’s Roots”, As, “To Grow Horizontally”, As, For “Increasing Temperatures” And “Brightness”, As, For “Stars Move To The Left”, As, “Horizontally”, As, For “Human’s Heart Muscle Horizontally Divides”, As, For “Muscle Walls, As, “Septa”, As, “To Divide Human’s Heart”, As, “Into Two Sides, As, For “Star’s Phase Horizontal Branch Stars”, As, For “Rhizomatous Begonias”, As, “More Sensitive”, As, “To Water”, As, For “Begonia Medicinal Motions”, As, For “Human’s Respiratory Infections”, As, For “Human’s Skin Dis-eases”, As, For “Begonia Plant’s Space Forming Luteolin Flavone” And “Space Forming Quercetin And “Beta-Sitosterol”, As, “Metabolites”, As, For “Luteolin”, As, “To Slow The Spread Of Cancers”, As, “Human’s Anti-Diabetic” And “Human’s Cardiovascular Protective”, As, “Anti-Inflammatory Effects”, As, For “Space Forming Luteolin Tetrahydroxy “Flavone”, As, An “Antioxidant Free Radical Scavenger” And “An Immune System Regulator”, As, For Space Forming Luteolin Bioactive Polyphenolic “Flavone”, As, In “Fruits And Vegetables”, As, In “Celery”, Parsley And “Apple Skins”, As, For Apple Skin’s Polyphenolics, As, For “Space Forming Phenol Chemical Organic Compounds”, As, For “Space Forming Organic Molecules”, As, From “The Reduction Of “Carbon Dioxide”, As, Through Many Space Forming “Carbon Fixation Pathways”, As, For “Plant’s Photosynthesis”, As, For “Organic Molecules”, As, “In Interstellar Clouds”, As, For “Human’s Organic Compounds”, As, For “Human Functionality”, As, To Contain “Star Forming Hydrogen And Carbon”, As, For “Abundance”, As, Of “Star Forming Nitrogen And “Carbon” Dioxide, As, For “Ancient Ferns”, As, “To Form Thick Mats”, As, Across The Entire Ocean Floor, As, For “Azolla filiculoides Tiny Aquatic Fern”, As, “To Capture Carbon Dioxide And Nitrogen From The Air, As, “To Have Genes”, As, “Insect Resistant”, As, For ”Azolla Pinnate Space Forming Ethanolic Extract”, As, For “Azolla Green Fern”, As, For “Ducks Eat On Ponds”, As, “To Have Cyanobacteria Living Inside The Fern”, As, “To Provide Ferns”, As, “With Space Forming Star Forming Nitrogen Essential”, As, For Azolla High Protein And “Star Forming Nutrients”, As, “Potassium”, Zinc, Calcium And “Iron”, As, For ”Hypoglycemic Effects Of Azolla Algae”, As, For “Azolla Free Floating Fresh Water Fern”, As, “To Fix Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide And Star Forming Nitrogen”, As, For “Symbiosis With Cyanobacteria”, As, “Anabaena azollae”, As, “Fastest Growing Plants”, As, For Azolla’s Space Forming Polyphenols, Tannins And “Caffeic Acid” And “Space Forming Lipids”, As, For “Spontaneously Occurring Tumors”, As, “Infrequent”, As, In “Duck”, As, For “Azolla Aquatic Fern”, As, “To Resemble Mosses” And “Duckweeds”, As, For Mosses, As, “Bryophytes”, As, “To Inhibit Growth”, As, For “Anti-Tumor Effects”, As, Of “Moss”, Liverworts and Hornworts, As, For “Bacterium”, As, “To Protect A Moss-Like Marine Invertebrate”, As, From “Predators”, As, For “Bacterium Secretes A Space Forming “Bioactive Molecule”, As, “An Anticancer Compound”, As, “A Bryostatin”, As, “Human’s Anticancer”, As, For “Bryostatin 1 Macrocyclic Space Forming “Lactone”, As, From “Bugula neritina”, As, With “Antineoplastic Motions”, As, For “Antineoplastic Drugs”, As, “Human’s Anticancer Cytotoxic”, As, For “Bryostatin Molecules”, As, “To Mediate Chemical Defensive”, As, “During Larval Stage”, As, “Natural”, As, From Marine Invertebrate, As, For “Bugula neritina”, As, “A Sessile Marine Animal”, As, “A Star Forming Calcified Bryozoan”, As, “Having “Branched Tufts”, As, For “Calcium Producing”, As, “From Exploding Supernova Stars”, As, For “Horizontal Branching”, As, “A Stage Of “Stellar Evolution”, As, For “Red-Giant Branch”, As, In “Stars”, As, “Masses”, As, The Same, As, “To The Sun”, As, For “Temperature Of Horizontal Branch Stars”, As, “To Depend On The Mass Of The “Hydrogen Envelope”, As, For Plants, As, “To Manage Hydrogen Ions”, As, For “Horizontal Branching”, As, “To Depend On “Star’s Metallicity”, As, “Low Metallicity Clusters”, As, “Having “Bluer Horizontal Branches”, As, For “Blue Violet Roots”, As, In “Vibrant Green Tonina sp. Aquatic Stem Plant”, As, For “Tonina fluviatilis”, As, “Herbaceous”, As, For Inflorescences Of “Tonina Fluviatilis”, As, “To Arise From “Nodes”, As, For “The Number Of Nodes That “Exist In A Star”, As, For “Human’s Higher Thought Process”, As, “Precise Synchronization, As, “Oscillating Human Brain’s Energy”, As, “Generated”, As, From “Human’s Sensations And Sensitivities”, As, “To Focus”, As, “To Generate Gamma Wave Energy”, As, For “Interconnected Nodes”, As, “Neurons”, As, “Needed For “Human Brain’s Binding Effects”, As, “To Initiate Human Brain’s Highest Effects Of Processing Information”, As, Efficiently And Fast, As For “High Curiosity Drive.” Thank-you.


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