Rhino Translocation to Burachapori Wild Life Sanctuary, Assam, India
Laokhowa & Burachapori wild life sanctuary is the second site of rhino translocation under the range expansion program of Indian Rhino Vision-2020 (IRV2020). This sanctuary covers about 70 km2 in the south bank of Brahmaputra River in Sonitpur and Nagaon District of Assam. It is located 40km downstream of Kaziranga National Park and on the other side of the river, Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park is situated at a distance of 30km northwest. Laokhowa and Burachapori is an ideal habitat for Greater One Horned Rhinoceros (GoH) and other herbivore fauna. In 1981, 73 rhinos were estimated to be present in Laokhowa. Unfortunately, entire rhino population of Laokhowa was exterminated by poachers in the year 1983. After successful rhino reintroduction program at Manas National Park, government of Assam has translocated the rhinos to the sanctuary. As a part of program, the Task Force for Translocation of Rhinos within Assam has decided to translocate 10 rhinos to Burachapori and Laokhowa Wild Life Complex.