#RFGoNaked June 21st

#RFGoNaked June 21st

Another reason I am so proud to represent this company is their commitment to helping others!

We all know that what our children learn through experience matters!

Please join me in a movement that will radiate light on kids in need. 

Post YOUR (makeup-free) SELFIE on social media using #RFGoNaked and the Rodan+Fields Prescription for Change? Foundation will make a donation supporting underprivileged youth. 

Since 2008, we have been giving back through our Prescription for Change (PFC) foundation with the mission to serve youth with life-changing empowerment programs where they live. 

In the US, PFC has partnered with buildOn, in Canada, WE and in Australia, The Smith Family. 

With a 93% graduation rate, over 3.1 MILLION DOLLARS raised and more than 534,000 programs funded, our partnership is providing stability, support and hope for kids around the globe. 


Here’s how it works.. on Thursday morning, take a make-up free selfie and post it on your timeline. Tag me so I can comment how beautiful you look! . Add the #rfgonaked hashtag and make sure your privacy setting for this post is PUBLIC so it can be seen and counted by R+F! 

I will personally match $1 for each of my friends that posts a selfie on any and all of your social media accounts with the #rfgonaked and tags me! 

My goal is to have AT LEAST 50 of my friends participate. Can I count on you??


Wendy Poteat, Independent Consultant的更多文章

