RFC – Remote Function?Call
- To connect/transfer data from one sap system to another sap system.
- RFC is using SAP Gateway.
- Synchronous RFC?– For communication between different systems and between SAP WEB AS and SAP GUI.
- Asynchronous RFC?– For communication between different systems and for parallel processing of different tasks.
- Transactional RFC?– Extension of aRFC, It ensures transaction like processing of processing steps that were originally autonomous, It is asynchronous RFC extended to the transactional RFC.
- Queued RFC?– Extension of tRFC, It is also ensures that individual steps are processed in sequence.
- Background RFC?– Successor of tRFC, qRFC
SM59?– Configuration of RFC
RZ12?– RFC Server Group Maintenance [ Extras – RFC Groups (Logon group for RFC) – RFC Server Group Maintenance ]
SMQ1?– monitor for the outbound queue. Outbound Queue means sending the request.
SMQ2?– Monitor for the inbound queue. Inbound queue means receiving the response.
- Default communication user?TMSADM
- Default RFC connection?– [email protected]_SID
- 10?types of connections in RFC
- RFC Connections are stored in table?– RFCDES
- Where we have to create the trusted systems?– [ In SM59 click on logon security]
- Why we need trusted systems?– [ To communicate the business requirement]
- RZ12?– Used to define RFC Server groups and assign the instance.
- Which user is used when you create RFC?– [?TMSADM]
SM59 – create RFC connection between source client & target client
- Login to the target client.
- SM59 – Create connection
- Give the RFC destination, Connection type, Description and click on Administration. click on technical settings target hostname system (instance) number host name option. Logon & security tab. Logon Procedure – Lang, Client, User, Password & Current User Trusted Relationship
- Click on remote logon button
- Click on start sap easy access button
- Here we can find that client number 001 (we logged 000 in *ent)
- Click on logoff button [ exit from 001 clients]
- Utilities – Connection Test, Authorization Test, Unicode Test – Remote Logon
RZ12 – define RFC Server groups and assign the instance
RFC Issues / why RFC connection failure
- Target system to source system does not match like version, production and component.
- May be target system is down
- May be authorization problems
- May be incorrect credential of the target system