Is R+F STILL a great opportunity?

Is R+F STILL a great opportunity?

Rodan + Fields has the next 5, 10, 20, 50 years mapped out...what is on the horizon for this company is mind blowing! #thisisdifferent #thisislegit #thisisgoingtobehuge #youwanttobeapartofit

We are approaching our 10 year anniversary. It's astonishing to think what we have accomplished in just 10 years. #justwarmingup

 #1 Skincare Brand in North America. 

 Fastest growing in the U.S. and Canada.

 2017...a billion dollars in sales. 

I am in awe of what's to come. 

Less than 1% of Americans are familiar with our brand and what we do. Sure some have heard about it and obviously many of you have too... you're welcome!  But, even with the small amount of people who have heard of us, they don't understand what we do or how we work. 

So here are a few nuggets to ponder if you find yourself trying to decide if this is STILL a good opportunity. (spoiler alert, it is). 

 R+F has less than 3% of the skincare market in the U.S. We have around 300,000 consultants in North America, well over half are just enjoying a great discount and not even "working" the business side. There are 325 MILLION people in the U.S. alone! #justsayin

 We will continue to lead the industry in innovation and efficacy. 

 We have over 100 countries still to go. Currently we are sold in US, Canada and Australia.

So the question I think you should be asking yourself isn't... “Is this still a good opportunity?" 

The question is... "Am I going to sit here on the side lines while this company goes to 2 billion, 3 billion 5 billion and more? Am I going to watch as they grab 6%, 10%, 30%, 50%+ of the U.S. skincare market and become #1 in country after country? Am I going to CONTINUE to allow this opportunity to pass me by? Out of pride, or fear, or all the what if's and assumptions about what this is or is not?"

And you know what they say about assumptions... so get the facts for yourself and stop watching already. Ask me...I'm an open book.

#lifechangingskincare #getthefacts #leapoffaith #basedonfacts #soworthit #REDEFINEyourlife


Wendy Poteat, Independent Consultant的更多文章

