R+F Skincare Advice
Suzanne Truitt
Get the BEST SKIN of your life w/science based, clinically proven, guaranteed skincare. SuzanneTruitt.com
?? Use a full regimen. I have lots of happy customers who use a bit of this and a bit of that, BUT if you want truly IMPRESSIVE results... and CONSISTENTLY use your products. Regimens are based on multi-med therapy meaning the RIGHT ingredients in the RIGHT formulations in the RIGHT ORDER to truly TRANSFORM your skin. #backedbysciencev #clinicallyproven #guaranteed
?? Use our Active Hydration Serum.?? It is AMAZING! Oh!!!! And speaking of amazing, EVERYONE needs Lash Boost!! #thickerdarkerlongerlookinglashes #100percentYOURS
?? Don't pay retail--full price for R+F. Order as a Preferred Customer to enjoy benefits of 10% off EVERY product, FREE shipping on orders $80+, and PRIORITY ACCESS to new products and incentives. (Plus, you can be my PC for FREE! ?? Ask me.)
?? Is it a little too expensive? Consider becoming a consultant. It only takes 3-5 customers to cover your own skincare costs AND make some extra $$ each month. Being a part of the R+F team affords you the opportunity to try all of our products at the greatest possible discount. I have so many favorites!?? I would have never known how incredible these products are had I not joined as a Consultant.
?? Eye cream is a must! Are you old enough to vote? Get some. It's THE BEST! ;)
?? Microdermabrasion Paste. Oh my! Yes, please!#exfoliation
?? Have you seen the Before/After pics!?! These products truly are transforming. Capture the magic as proof -- you won't believe it. #seeforyourself
?? You simply CANNOT lose with a 60-day, empty bottle satisfaction guarantee. It's a no-brainer.
Msg me to get started. (If you've read this far...you are definitely curious.??) [email protected]