Rezovet end Microbiome.

Microbiome management is a relatively new concept in the treatment and performance improvement of poultry. The world has learned a lot about the microbiome in recent years, but much more remains to be learned. The advent of genome sequencing has improved the situation but is still far from a solution. The interaction of the microbiome with the nervous and immune systems has only just begun to be seriously studied.

The health and productivity of poultry are largely determined by the state of the digestive organs. They are responsible for approximately 70% of the costs of feed and additives in the structure of production costs, another 5% are medicines and for more than 70% of immunity! The digestive tract of a bird, to a greater extent than other organs and systems of the body, is exposed to various irritants, ranging from the quality and intensity of feed supply and their contamination with toxins, prescribed when necessary and when there are no medications, a large number of often completely unnecessary probiotics and many other different stress situations in poultry farms such as temperature, crowding, lighting, etc...

About 600–900 species of bacteria are known to be present in the digestive system of birds. In a healthy body, the microflora represents a complex and balanced symbiotic microecosystem with normal metabolic properties.

The main function of normal flora is the production of enzymes necessary for digestion, participation in metabolism, protection of the body from pathogens and toxins, synthesis of volatile fatty acids and vitamins, formation of immunity and extension of the productive life of poultry. Ideally, the microbiome should independently cope with stressful conditions. But intensive production constantly and deliberately disrupts the balance of microflora!!!

In addition to normal flora, the intestines of birds contain opportunistic (enterobacteria, etc.) and pathogenic microorganisms (salmonella, pasteurella, etc.). While the intestinal microflora and immunity are normal, their content is at a low level, but if resistance decreases, disturbances in the intestinal microecology occur. An increase in the number of opportunistic forms causes metabolic and immune disorders of the body, which affects productivity, safety of livestock and product quality. For each pathological condition of the body, be it a disease or a decline in productivity, there is a specific quantitative and qualitative content of microorganisms in the intestine.

In a healthy intestine, the total normal flora should dominate, this is at least 70%. A drop in its content will lead to a decrease in the digestibility of feed. The standard level of bacilli, lacto- and bifidobacteria indicates the ability to synthesize antimicrobial substances, and therefore the body’s protection from diseases. The standard level of opportunistic bacteria should not exceed the 4–5% barrier. For pathogenic bacteria, this limit is defined as no more than 1.0–1.5%. The standard level of bacteria that synthesize volatile fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and are a source of energy for the intestinal mucosa, is 5–15%. The rest is made up of the so-called transit flora - the so-called probiotics and prebiotics “useful” for digestion, which are eliminated from the body after 12 hours, taking all the “useful” effects with them.

The main method of dealing with stressful situations should be the natural activation of the body’s own reserves, first of all, restoring the immune system and improving the health of the intestines and its microbiome. An effective protection is the drug Rezovet. It not only effectively stimulates the growth of normal intestinal flora, but also increases the ability to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the drug has a positive effect directly on the host’s body, increasing the level of resistance by regulating the expression of immune genes, activating the work of digestive enzymes, and stimulating the restoration of epithelial cells. The immune system of birds shows the greatest sensitivity to this negative factor: resistance to pathogens decreases, and vaccinations become ineffective. The most damaging effects of stress occur in the gut, which is the largest area of the body exposed to the environment and the location of the majority of immune cells. One of the main factors influencing the decrease in the productivity of birds under stress is the stimulation of inflammatory processes in the intestines. The key to triggering these processes is the loss of intestinal barrier integrity. A broken intestinal barrier is a gateway for pathogens of the intestinal lumen.

The Stemtrix company develops veterinary drugs as natural regulators of the microbiome. The role of the drug lies in the mechanisms for restoring the natural resistance of normobiota. It is obvious that a “healthy”, balanced composition of the microbiota corresponds to a very specific set and concentration of chemical, signaling molecules... it is they that are included in the composition of the drug Rezovet, in the required, “healthy” ratio.

The effectiveness is based on the fact that the drug Rezovet simultaneously activates a whole complex of protective mechanisms: stimulates immunity genes, restores the composition and functions of the microbiome, normalizes the intestinal mucosa and digestive processes. The mechanism of action of Rezovet is the effect of signaling chemical molecules on certain immune genes under stress, which increases the adaptive potential of birds in extreme conditions. When using Rezovet, metabolic reactions occur more intensely in the body, and energy consumption occurs more correctly. The drug has a prolonged mechanism of action. Therefore, the components of the diet are more fully absorbed, and all this helps to improve the health of poultry and poultry farms.


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