Rewriting the Negative Scripts of Your Inner Voice
I've been working on rewriting some of my internal scripts, or mental scripts, that are unhealthy and only make me more miserable, without making a positive difference. The strategy, and I’m sure this isn’t new with me, is to identify the negative script, then find something to interrupt it, next redirect the script to something positive, and finally to inform the new script with some positive thought. So,?identify, interrupt, redirect, and inform. IIRI, not a very cool acronym. I’ve kept a parallel structure with each to make it easier to remember and implement. A key part of interruption is the five deep breaths. With redirection, the idea is to ask a question to direct the inner voice onto a better path. Finally, I look for an inspirational thought or quote to inform the inner world of my conscious mind with the language of confidence and resilience.
Here are eight inner scripts that I often find in myself, and I believe are common to us all. I hope you’ll find some benefit in what I share. I wish you the best as you continue to become the best possible version of yourself.
Identify: “My life really sucks!”?The self-pity script
Interrupt: Five deep breaths. Tell myself three good things in my life right now
Redirect: Ask, what small thing can I do right now to make my life better?
Inform:?“It is never too late to become the person you were meant to be. Every human being has the radical possibility of starting life anew at any moment irrespective of his life’s previous course.”?(Avishai Margalit)
Identify: “It’s not my fault!”?The blame others script
Interrupt: Five deep breaths. Tell myself, blaming others or myself is unhelpful
Redirect: Ask, what can I do right now to address the problem?
Inform:?“The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you can change anything in your life.”?(Hal Elrod)
Identify: “I’m annoyed with you!” The let’s review all?your past mistakes script
Interrupt: Five deep breaths. Tell myself three things I like about the person I’m annoyed with
Redirect: Ask, how can I emulate one of their positive traits?
Inform:?“There are no ordinary people. You have never met a mere mortal. It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting persons you talk with, if you saw. them as they really are, you would be strongly tempted to worship. It is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses (each day).”?(C.S. Lewis)
Identify: “What were they thinking!”?The fault-finding script?(similar yet different from the blame script)
Interrupt: Five deep breaths. Tell myself I don’t know their story or circumstance.
Redirect: They may be doing their best with what they know or have experienced. LISTEN?
Inform:?“Teach or tolerate.”?(Marcus Aurelius)
Identify: “I hate that!”?The frustration script
Interrupt: Five deep breaths. Tell myself it’s okay to feel strong emotions like anger and hate. It’s natural and human. Don’t react to the feelings––don’t feed them. Just breathe and let the emotions come and go on their own.?
Redirect: Ask, what can I learn about my insecurities and expectations revealed by this strong reaction that I need to address to become a stronger person?
Inform:?“Your mind will take on the character of your most frequent thoughts: souls are dyed by thoughts.”?(Marcus Aurelius)
Identify: “I have nothing to do!”?The boredom script
Interrupt: Five deep breaths. Tell myself, I’m so excited to have a moment to do whatever I want.
Redirect: Ask, what should I dedicate this time to? Can I learn some new skill? Is there someone I can serve? Should I use it just to rest or meditate or listen to music I enjoy?
Inform:?“Boredom always precedes a great period of creativity.”?(Robert M. Pirsig)
Identify: “They’re not that great!”?The gluckschmerz or envy script?(feeling unhappiness over someone else’s’ success)
Interrupt: Five deep breaths. Tell myself I should celebrate other people’s success and wellbeing.?
Redirect: Ask, how can I emulate the positive traits that led to their success?
Inform:?“Often those that criticize others reveal what he himself lacks.”?(Shannon L. Alder)
Identify: “Did you hear about….”?The gossip script
Interrupt: Five deep breaths. Tell myself to stop or cancel the gossip!
Redirect: Ask, if this was about me or someone I love, what would I want to be said?
Inform: “How would your life be different if…You walked away from gossip a nd verbal defamation? Let today be the day…You speak only the good you know of other people and encourage others to do the same.” (Steve Maraboli)