Rewiring your personal philosophy
" Watch your thoughts; They become words. Watch your words; They become actions. Watch your actions; They become habits. Watch your habits; They become character. Watch your character; It becomes your destiny” - Lao Tzu
Let him that would move the world, first move himself. Socrates, the ancient Greek Philosopher, stated these words of wisdom, hundreds of years ago. It holds timeless value even today, and is anchored in truth. Be the change you want to see around you.
Change is a general term and what you want to see changed, is interlinked with your philosophy towards life. This lays out the pathway for your goals to follow through. Which leads to a pressing question. Why do some philosophies work to achieve goals and others don’t?
Myth of Myths – Perception
As you progress through life and are met with unexplainable situations and challenges, it is a natural response to shape your own unique outlook to help you survive. Your accumulated beliefs, experiences and values shape this approach to life. This in turn, adds further perspective to your attitude, personal mission and goals.
In this fast paced world, we are all seeking our own sense of logic to what is happening around us and our perceptions help aid this understanding. However, there are some myths abounding which need to be dispelled and your mind cleared of fallacies.
Sometimes it seems that we are helpless in this aspect and are victims of destiny. There is a myth here. I feel that that though we do not have much control over what is happening, we have complete control over one aspect; how we choose to react to these changes. It is my firm belief that you create your own reality. Where you are at this moment in time, is the essence of all decisions and choices you have made so far.
As we mature, our values and priorities change and so does our sense of reality. What is your future self is directly related to how you envision yourself to be and where you stand today is a result of your actions towards making it a possibility.
What needs to be understood is that you are not a victim but a master of your destiny.
Another myth I want to touch on is the fallacy of craving a perfect scenario. As human beings, we are tuned to chasing false perfections. This perfect state warrants more of opportunities and less of difficulties. It demands an ease of life more than challenging fronts. It avoids confrontation with reality and warrants comfort of existence.
However, this is one of the greatest delusions of all. It is a universal law that challenges always come after opportunities. Economies suffer recessions after healthy upturns. The only constant is the cyclical system of change which is in such perfect order. There is no “one-sided” perfect state to begin with. You can break this delusional state by firstly accepting that the only perfection lies in the temporary periods of various states. Good times, bad times, destruction, birth, negative results, positive outcomes- It has been going on for thousands of years and it will still continue on the same order of the Universe.
It is this skewed hope of a better future that makes us perceive reality in a way which may not ever showcase itself. This starts the chain of your feeling inept for tackling challenges and giving up to the “uncontrollable” situation around you.
What needs to be understood is that the only perfection lies in how to adapt and become what you are meant to be.
Simply put, things begin to change, when your approach to life changes.
Refine. Define. Align. And Repeat.
With this acceptance, you will find a new kind of freedom. Freedom to think of possibilities. This will breed wisdom and initiate a sense of wonder within. You will now begin to focus on what you can do than what you cannot. You will stop wishing for things to be perfect. It never existed in the scheme of things, to begin with.
You will start wishing to become more and better than you are today. It starts a chain reaction of sorts in the right direction which will pull you towards a better well defined destiny
People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. There is no rocket science here. But where do these goals come from and what defines them? It is simply your philosophy of life that determines your future. Being mindful of this inner state is imperative as it outlines the way you act, think and see life. It shapes your sense of being and identity.
It is your understanding of where you want to go, what you want to be and what you need to do to be in that desired state. Then why is it that some succeed with their outlook and some do not.
Sometimes goals are there but somehow the plan to achieve them does not work. This is the time to go back to the drawing board and rework your philosophy. Work backwards from your goals and see where are the gaps. Your real strength lies in your daily rituals which cumulate to what you achieve eventually. Your core behavior is directly related with your attitude towards challenges. Your determination is dependent on how well you persevere. Change this blue print but never the goal. Refine this core thinking, and you will define your goals and align your future magnetically again. There are no two ways to it.
A life not examined is not worth living. This is what keeps getting missed by many. Constant self-evaluation with a keen eye on the future is the demand of today. Results and evaluation is what will set you apart and make your philosophy start to work.
Shift your focus with a winning strategy
With your myths and clarity of thinking now on track, you will find a new focus. The secret to the change you are seeking is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.
You must associate yourself not with people who say your dreams are too big for you. Try and be in the company of those who have bigger visions. Or atleast surround yourself with their wisdom through reading about them. They say you should be careful for what you wish for. Change your wishes from hoping things will become better to wishing you were better to adapt well to the expected changes. It is a thrilling feeling to look back and see how far you have come.
The winning strategy is to think of your life as a training ground to become what are meant to be. You must now stay focused on what you need to do instead of what you do not need to do.
Stop using excuses as crutches. I think the most unprofitable item ever manufactured is an excuse. Why?
Because there is always a way and those determined enough, eventually do find it.
This is a new beginning for you . It started the moment you decided to change. Break the barriers of limitations. Open your heart so that your mind is expanded and you start thinking of new possibilities. For though it might be tough, it will definitely be worth it. The ball is in your court and you hold the reigns to having a better designed life. Be hungry to change. Be hungry to win. Are you now ready to rewire your personal philosophy?