Rewiring Your Life Using the MAGIC Formula for Happiness with Brian Dubow

Rewiring Your Life Using the MAGIC Formula for Happiness with Brian Dubow

In a world where stress and the pressure to stay productive dominate our lives, many of us feel like we're constantly chasing moments of happiness—only to be left unfulfilled. Our brains are wired to detect problems, not happiness, which is why those joyful moments often seem fleeting. But what if you could retrain your brain with a secret formula to embrace happiness daily?

In this article, Brian Dubow, Founder of Hit of Happiness and Life and Business Coach, introduces the MAGIC formula for happiness. This five-step framework offers a practical path to help you create lasting joy, deeper connections, and a life of true purpose.

“You don't have to sacrifice well-being to achieve great things, or take a lower-stress job to focus on health. The science of happiness shows that high levels of well-being lead to high levels of performance.” – Ashish Kothari

Happiness is an inside job

Nowadays, happiness seems too far out of reach. Our ever-changing world makes us think that the external challenges we’re facing are the problem. But Brian busts that myth saying that the real issue is when our inner state is not as strong to stand against them.?

No one is happy all the time. You might wake up feeling good, have a tough moment, and then feel happy again later. Happiness is a rollercoaster, but we can improve how we handle those ups and downs.?

As Brian highlights, happiness is an inside job, and you can cultivate it using the MAGIC framework. MAGIC stands for Mindfulness, Activity, Gratitude, Inspiration, and Connection. Research on habit formation shows it takes about 66 days to build a habit. By doing these MAGIC practices for 66 days, the habits that are scientifically proven to make you happier will become part of your life.

M - Mindfulness

The “M” in the MAGIC formula stands for MINDFULNESS. Most people know the practice of mindfulness, but it isn’t always prioritized. People know they should be meditating, but they often don’t have time to meditate and the idea of sitting still with your thoughts for even two minutes can be scary. So how can we make it easy for everyone to practice mindfulness?

Mindfulness doesn’t have to be a formal, time-consuming practice. Brian and I emphasize that by incorporating small, mindful moments into everyday activities, we can rewire our brains for greater presence and calm.?

Whether it's taking three deep breaths, savoring your morning coffee, or simply being aware during routine tasks, mindfulness is about focusing on the present without distractions. It’s not about clearing the mind entirely, but about engaging with life fully, moment by moment.

A - Activity

Activity is essential for happiness. Small, consistent physical activity—whether it’s stretching, walking, or taking breaks during the day—can dramatically impact your mood, energy, and overall health.????

People often wait for the right mood to act, but the truth is, mood follows action. That means you don’t wait to feel energized to move; you move to create that energy. Integrating activity into your daily routines releases endorphins and gives you the energy to take on the day.

It’s about taking that first step—whether it’s standing up during a call or stretching between tasks. Every small movement adds up, and it’s about integrating activity into your day rather than forcing it.

“Be extremely intentional about your happiness. Happiness is a choice, directly linked to our actions. It’s not easy, but through practices like exercise, meditation, and journaling, you can see dramatic changes in your energy levels.” – Brian Dubow

G - Gratitude

We often fixate on what’s wrong—a problem at work, a relationship issue, or something we didn’t get—and that becomes the shadow over everything else. But if six out of seven things in your life are going well, focusing on those wins can shift everything. That is the power of gratitude.

Our brains evolved to protect us, but in today’s world, we don’t need that constant vigilance. Gratitude helps rewire our brains from survival mode to happiness mode, allowing us to live a more fulfilled, joyful life. Just writing down three things you’re grateful for each week can improve your life satisfaction, reduce anxiety, and even help you sleep better.?

With gratitude, we can shift from focusing on what’s wrong to appreciating what’s right. And if you bring that mindset into work, it can transform your team’s energy, boost creativity, and help everyone perform better.

I - Inspiration

Too often, we’re stuck in productivity mode, measuring our worth by how “useful” every hour is. But life isn’t just about tasks—it’s about doing things that genuinely excite and inspire us. As adults, we often lose the sense of curiosity and play that once fueled our inspiration. It’s crucial to rekindle that childlike wonder to bring more joy, creativity, and fulfillment into our lives.?

Inspiration doesn’t have to be grand—it can come from simple, intentional moments that spark excitement and curiosity. The key is to be intentional and pay attention to what captures your curiosity. Whether it’s noticing the magic in everyday things or allowing ourselves to play, staying inspired helps us stay connected to what truly matters.

C - Connection

We’re more connected than ever through social media, but many of us are lonelier than ever. Digital connections are everywhere, but true, meaningful connections are harder to come by. Research shows that the quality of our relationships is the number one predictor of happiness. Now more than ever, we need deep relationships that go beyond surface-level interactions.?

Real connection isn’t about the number of followers or friends, but you can find it by reaching out, listening, and showing genuine care. Even something as simple as a FaceTime call or a “How are you?” can deepen a relationship. It’s the quality of relationships, not the quantity, that drives happiness.?

Relationships are about 60% of our well-being, and yet most of us don’t tap into that. If we make it a habit to connect with others regularly, we unlock a source of joy and health that’s irreplaceable.


Happiness is not a passive state but an active choice. It’s not something that just happens to you, but something you have to work on. With the MAGIC practices, you’re on the right path to happiness. Eventually, you’ll witness the shift from feeling comfortably numb to feeling truly alive.

Daniel D'Cruz

Serving as Senior Leader: Catholic Life and PSHEE, St. Mary's Catholic School, Bishop's Stortford

5 天前

There is deep wisdom in this , Ashish Kothari . Thank you, perfect reflection for this autumnal time of the year.
