Rewiring Your Brain to Change Your Life
Are you ready to change your life for the better? Modern research into the nature of perception has revealed that we shape our personal versions of reality according to how we interpret the world around us. It might be surprising but the fact is that we’re only aware of a tiny fraction of all the data that’s flowing around us. The way we filter the information provides us with our view of what we accept as real. In reality though, we’re ignoring 99.9% of the data. Perhaps there was some evolutionary advantage to this extreme form of involuntary data selection but the strange fact is that we all live in a tiny bubble of perception that we learn to accept as absolute. The question today is to ask yourself if your view of the world – and how you function within it – is working for you? Or is it working against you?
This is a fascinating area to explore because, once you accept that your view of the world – and of yourself – is subject to these extremely limiting beliefs and perceptions, you’ll appreciate that you’re able to make micro adjustments to your filtration system and suddenly perceive the world in an entirely fresh and more positive light. Does that sound exciting to you? A small shift in how you filter your thoughts and feelings and your world view will change in a matter of moments. How much priceless information are you ignoring every single second of every day? Why do we insist on seeing the world in such difficult or limiting terms? Why do we attach huge weights to our ankles and wonder why we can’t move on? It’s all a question of perception, attitude, belief and choice.
One of the simplest techniques that can radically improve our perception of the world is to repeat a selection of super-positive affirmations throughout the day. Be prepared to repeat the key phrases ten to twenty times until you can feel the difference they make to your thoughts and feelings. Smiling, breathing more deeply and repeating your affirmations will imprint their message on your perception and cause a shift in your personal framework of data filtration. It’s a wonderful way to unlock yourself from your paralysing doubts, fears, anxieties and limiting beliefs. It’s an invitation to express your hidden potential and unleash the greatness within you.