Rewards for Justice - Most Wanted List: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran

Rewards for Justice - Most Wanted List: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran

UK Hostages

Note: Like Village Stability Operations, we have over 60,000 in Afghanistan that qualify for SIVs, while Responsibility to Protect (R2P) applies to the entire 40 million population base, that remain hostages to the terrorist groups that helped in the planning and coordination of the 911 terrorist attacks.

Never Forgotten

Abdul Rehman, a former engineering student with roots in Afghanistan’s Logar province and the son of a merchant who frequently visited New Delhi on business, was freed from Bagram prison on 15 August. -- Kabul Airport suicide attacker was freed by Taliban after four years in CIA custody for New Delhi terror plot: First Post, 19 September 2021.

13 U.S. service members killed as the result of a suicide bomber attack in Kabul while conducting a humanitarian evacuation mission at great personal risk.

The fallen include:

Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31, of Salt Lake City, Utah

Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosariopichardo, 25, of Lawrence, Massachusetts

Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, 23, of Sacramento, California

Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, of Indio, California

Marine Corps Cpl. Daegan W. Page, 23, of Omaha, Nebraska

Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, 22, of Logansport, Indiana

Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Texas

Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, 20, of St. Charles, Missouri

Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, 20, of Jackson, Wyoming

Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga, California

Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, 20, of Norco, California

Navy Hospitalman Maxton W. Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio

Army Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss, 23, of Corryton, Tennessee.

19 April 2022

Over 500 Students/Teachers Killed in Taliban Bombings at Schools in Kabul

Directly from the blast site via SENIOR ADVISOR - Afghanistan Ministry of Defense, NATO / ISAF:

Sources at the site of the blast says the Taliban have blocked the area and are not allowing reporters to film.

Reports are coming in that over 500 killed (updated) and injured, all students and teachers. Suicide bomber detonated at the front entrance to the school as the gates opened and the children were entering for the day. Bombings were at the Mumtaz Training Center and three explosions at the Abdul Rahim Shahid high School in the Tank Til Dasht Barcgi PD# 13 , Direct witnesses Explained

The area blocked by T/B and no one is allowed to reach the injured.

People say the TB firect on people who had gathered to find their family members at Mohammad Ali Jinnah Hospital in western Kabul.

All are student and teachers

Mass Killing of Shia Hazaras, in Afghanistan

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Taliban's New Weapons Arsenal

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Taliban's New Weapons Arsenal left by the United States and allied forces, have more equipment than any US National Guard Armory or Active Duty Infantry Battalion:

US Military Uniforms,

Body Armor,

16,000 pieces of Night Vision Goggles,

162,000 Radio which are encrypted,

22,000 Humvees,

1,000 Armored Personnel Carriers that are mine resistant,

64,000 machine guns,

358,000 Rifles including Sniper Rifles.

176 pieces of Artillery,

over 100 rotary aircraft, including 33 Blackhawks,

4 C-130 Transports,

800 heavy-duty trucks —

7 April 2022

Intelligence Volunteer Brief ONE AFG THU 7 APR 22; TYPED 2030 HRS THU 7 APR 22; 0500 HRS AFGT FRI 8 APR 22; (THIS REPORT IS FOR GENERAL RELEASE). Confidence Level: HIGH.

A Taliban intelligence unit possibly from the GDI or the MOI has been actively targeting the families of AAF A-29 pilot families during the last several days in Jalalabad, AFG. In the last three (3) days there have been three (3) arrests using the same techniques. A Taliban reconnaissance unit shows up out front of a residence with a single person on a bicycle ice cream cart. Within thirty minutes the Taliban raid the residence looking for any connections to the A-29 Program, weapons, currency, or other valuables.

Multiple shepherds and intelligence sources are still reporting a massive surge in Taliban activities in many areas throughout AFG. The Taliban continue search, seize, and destroy techniques along with strategic and tactical movements suggest that foreign governments, thought to be CHN, IRN, PAK, and RUS are offering training and advice on how to conduct (mop up) operations. House to house searches continue to take place in multiple geographic areas, and raids have been reported against multiple HVTs who were in deep hiding suggesting that spies are providing information.

REMEMBER, shepherds, please advise your flocks to trust ONLY close friends and family. (Shepherds the same, as several of you have reported that specific persons in your flocks have flipped to the Dark Side. Please Note: AFGCITS that have returned to work with the Taliban for survival is NOT considered flipping to the Dark Side. Recruiting children to wear suicide vests, spying on family for payment, and providing intelligence to VAJA or the like, is). Remember that the Taliban has returned to homes and districts already searched within hours or days starting the process all over again. Do not put your guard down.


The elephant is a wise mammal. The penguin slips into the deep ocean. The music is loud for all to hear.

10 March 2022

Intelligence Volunteer Brief ONE AFG THU 10 MAR 22; TYPED 1000 HRS THU 10 MAR 22; 1930 HRS AFGT THU 10 MAR 22; (THIS REPORT IS FOR GENERAL RELEASE). Confidence Level: VERY HIGH. Again, multiple shepherds and intelligence sources are reporting that the massive surge in Taliban activity is not only increasing but expanding into other geographic areas of AFG.


I state this as Taliban search, seize, and destroy techniques along with strategic and tactical movements suggest that foreign governments, thought to be CHN, IRN, PAK, and RUS are offering training and advice on how to conduct (mop up) operations. House to house searches are continuing to take place in multiple geographic areas, and raids have been reported against multiple HVTs who were in deep hiding suggesting that spies are providing information. REMEMBER, shepherds, please advise your flocks to trust ONLY close friends and family. (Shepherds the same, as several of you have reported that specific persons in your flocks have flipped to the Dark Side. Please Note: AFGCITS that have returned to work with the Taliban for survival is NOT considered flipping to the Dark Side.

Recruiting children to wear suicide vests, spying on family for payment, and providing intelligence to VAJA or the like, is). Remember that the Taliban has returned to homes and districts already searched within hours or days starting the process all over again. Do not put your guard down.

Again, patterns of movement via Taliban and like groups suggest advanced training methodologies. During the searches, reports show increased levels of training via squad tactics, K9 units, use of handheld biometric devices, NDS uniforms, metal detectors, Badri 313 and Red Brigade involvement, as well as drones in flight with ISR suggesting day zoom and thermal night operational capabilities. In addition, there is again confirmed intelligence that the Taliban have the capability to pull and intercept cellphone signals via portable devices that look like small pelican cases. These devices are able to pull cell phone transmissions from the air, where the enemy can monitor, track, and triangulate a person’s location down to the meter from hundreds of feet away.


Searches in Kabul suggest a higher Taliban level of education, perhaps those of NWFP, PAK where they are polite but systematic. In many areas the Taliban have been taking other items from homes, acting like thugs or street gangs. These items include food, water, clothing, blankets, and shoes. These actions suggest that the Taliban government is very financially unstable as they cannot pay their soldiers nor security forces.

As per a very reliable intelligence source with formal training, the Taliban and like groups are still attempting to control movement in their hunt for persons and or groups deemed as threats and or threats to the AFG GOV. Via the MOI, please consider a nightly late-night curfew (2200 HRS to 0500 HRS/ 1000PM to 500AM) now in place throughout AFG. If someone is seen outside their residence in the streets of any city or town late at night without work, they; both male and female can be arrested and punished severely. The punishments can range from for example, beatings, to lashings, rape, and execution.

DO NOT TAKE THE RISK, STAY OFF THE STREETS. The Taliban is continuing their searches for persons of interest (POIs) and they are aware that POIs are constantly on the move especially at night, as a result the AFG Taliban are attempting to limit movement of who they see as the enemy and/or threats.

There are reports that CHN MSS, PAK ISI, and both IRN IRGC and VAJA intelligence agencies are assisting in some of these operations. The Taliban and like groups are looking for connections to US and NATO forces from military uniforms to shoes, to weapons, to certificates of education, and the like. Keep nothing AFG ANA, AAF, NATO, DOD, USAID, or Western NGO in your home.

The Taliban is basically looking for any connection to ISISK, coalition forces or the NRF, false documents, etc. There are now confirmed reports that the Taliban has begun to seize and or destroy AFG passports preventing travel outside of AFG as per a new edict banning travel by those who were employed and or associated with US and/or NATO forces. This again suggests that pockets of Taliban are short on cash flow and will soon require persons to apply for more passports for travel. It is a Catch-22 scam. They sell, you buy, they destroy, they sell, you buy, they destroy. The public becomes poorer, the Taliban gets their cash several times over. It is a scam and shakedown from an organized criminal syndicate. Taliban men are now dressed as women to spy, and women direct are being used as spies. In addition, children, down to toddler age are being bribed with candy and food by the Taliban to tattle on their parents during the raids.

KEEP ALL WEAPONS, PAPERS, VISITORS, AND ITEMS AWAY FROM YOUR CHILD’S EARS AND EYES AS THEY KNOW NO BETTER AS THEY ARE EASILY SWAYED. Please place your documents on a cloud if you can. Shepherds, if those in your flock cannot, please have your families send copies of family photos, diplomas, certifications, family records, etc. to you for safekeeping via email or text. After sending, we advise that you burn or destroy the originals. As per intelligence sources, these raids will continue for several more weeks. The current events in UKR and RUS have shifted the world focus and have emboldened Taliban and like groups to commit crimes vs others.

There have been reports of apprehensions, sexual assaults, gang rapes, on the spot executions, torture, bribery, and excessive beatings. As a result, always assess the situation, and do whatever you need to do in order to survive. This subject is fluid, expect updates.


The grass in the meadow is like an ocean. The mountains are covered in snow. The comet streaks across the sky.

5 March 2022

Intelligence Volunteer Brief ONE AFG SAT 5 MAR 22; TYPED 1145 HRS SAT 5 MAR 22; 0915 HRS AFGT SAT 5 MAR 22; (THIS REPORT IS FOR GENERAL RELEASE). Confidence Level VERY HIGH. Multiple shepherds and intelligence sources are reporting that the massive surge in Taliban activity is not only increasing but expanding into other geographic areas of AFG. Currently, ALL, I REPEAT, ALL DISTRICTS IN MAJOR CITIES ARE AT RISK OF SEARCH OPERATIONS. I state this as Taliban search, seize, and destroy techniques along with strategic and tactical movements suggest that foreign governments, thought to be CHN, IRN, PAK, and RUS are offering training and advice on how to conduct (mop up) operations. House to house searches have recently taken place in multiple geographic areas, and raids have been reported against multiple HVTs who were in deep hiding suggesting that spies are providing information.

Shepherds, please advise your flocks to trust ONLY close friends and family. (Shepherds the same, as several of you have reported that specific persons in your flocks have flipped to the Dark Side. Please Note: AFGCITS that have returned to work with the Taliban for survival is NOT considered flipping to the Dark Side. Recruiting children to wear suicide vests, spying on family for payment, and providing intelligence to VAJA or the like, is). Remember that the Taliban has returned to homes and districts already searched within hours or days starting the process all over again. Do not put your guard down.

Again, patterns of movement via Taliban and like groups suggest advanced training methodologies. During the searches, reports show increased levels of training via squad tactics, K9 units, use of handheld biometric devices, NDS uniforms, metal detectors, Badri 313 and Red Brigade involvement, as well as drones in flight with ISR suggesting day zoom and thermal night operational capabilities. In addition, there is again confirmed intelligence that the Taliban have the capability to pull and intercept cellphone signals via portable devices that look like small pelican cases. These devices are able to pull cell phone transmissions from the air, where the enemy can monitor, track, and triangulate a person’s location down to the meter from hundreds of feet away.


Searches in Kabul suggest a higher Taliban level of education, perhaps those of NWFP, PAK where they are polite but systematic. In many areas the Taliban have been taking other items from homes, acting like thugs or street gangs. These items include food, water, clothing, blankets, and shoes. These actions suggest that the Taliban government is very financially unstable as they cannot pay their soldiers nor security forces.

There are reports that CHN MSS, PAK ISI, and both IRN IRGC and VAJA intelligence agencies are assisting in some of these operations. The Taliban and like groups are looking for connections to US and NATO forces from military uniforms to shoes, to weapons, to certificates of education. Keep nothing AFG ANA, AAF, NATO, DOD, USAID, or Western NGO in your home. The Taliban is basically looking for any connection to ISISK, coalition forces or the NRF, false documents, etc. There are now confirmed reports that the Taliban has begun to seize and or destroy AFG passports preventing travel outside of AFG as per a new edict banning travel by those who were employed and or associated with US and/or NATO forces.

This again suggests that pockets of Taliban are short on cash flow and will soon require persons to apply for more passports for travel. It is a Catch-22 scam. They sell, you buy, they destroy, they sell, you buy, they destroy. The public becomes poorer, the Taliban gets their cash several times over. It is a scam and shakedown from an organized criminal syndicate. Taliban men are now dressed as women to spy, and women direct are being used as spies. In addition, children, down to toddler age are being bribed with candy and food by the Taliban to tattle on their parents during the raids. KEEP ALL WEAPONS, PAPERS, VISITORS, AND ITEMS AWAY FROM YOUR CHILD’S EARS AND EYES AS THEY KNOW NO BETTER AS THEY ARE EASILY SWAYED.

Please place your documents on a cloud if you can. Shepherds, if those in your flock cannot, please have your families send copies of family photos, diplomas, certifications, family records, etc. to you for safekeeping via email or text. After sending, we advise that you burn or destroy the originals. As per intelligence sources, these raids will continue for several more weeks. The current events in UKR and RUS have shifted the world focus and have emboldened Taliban and like groups. This subject is fluid, expect updates.

28 February 2022

-- Afghanistan: Terrorist Occupation -- Intelligence Volunteer Brief ONE AFG MON 28 FEB 22; TYPED 1155 HRS MON 28 FEB 22; 2125 HRS AFGT MON 28 FEB 22; (THIS REPORT IS FOR GENERAL RELEASE). Confidence Level Medium. Multiple shepherds and intelligence sources are reporting that the massive surge in Taliban activity is not only increasing but expanding to other geographic areas. In KBL, house to house searches have recently taken place in multiple geographic areas including but not limited to Districts two (2), five (5), six (6), nine (9), eleven (11), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), and nineteen (19). Unconfirmed intelligence suggests that District seven (7) will be searched as early as TUE 1 MAR 22. Remember that the Taliban has historically returned to districts already searched so do not put your guard down.

During the searches, reports show increased levels of training via squad tactics, use of handheld biometric devices, NDS uniforms, metal detectors, Badri 313 and Red Brigade involvement, as well drones in flight with ISR suggesting day zoom and thermal night operational capabilities. In addition, there is confirmed intelligence that the Taliban have the capability to pull and intercept cellphone signals via portable devices that look like small pelican cases. There are reports that CHN MSS, PAK ISI, and both IRN IRGC and VAJA intelligence agencies are assisting in some of these operations.

The Taliban and like groups are looking for connections to US and NATO forces from military uniforms to shoes, to weapons, to certificates of education. The Taliban is basically looking for any connection to ISISK, coalition forces or the NRF, false documents, etc.

There are unconfirmed reports that the Taliban has begun to seize and or destroy AFG passports preventing travel outside of AFG as per a new edict banning travel by those who were employed and or associated with US and/or NATO forces. There are multiple reports that searches are going to start all over MZR next week but prepare NOW as it could be sooner. Sources are stating that the same searches are expected to begin in other larger AFG cities, specifically mentioned were Jalalabad, Kandahar, Herat, Paktia, and Kunduz.


Intelligence Volunteer Brief TWO UKR MON 28 FEB 22; TYPED 1620 HRS MON 28 FEB 22; 0150 HRS AFGT TUE 1 MAR 22; (THIS REPORT IS FOR GENERAL RELEASE). Confidence Level Medium. Reliable intelligence sources from US/AFG/UKR have been discussing the risks of human and sex trafficking from UKR into Western Europe. As you know, families are being separated as male family members between the ages of eighteen (18) and sixty (60) are staying behind and bearing arms in the war to liberate UKR from RUS. As children are being separated from parents and other family members remember that they are seen as targets by criminal elements. To NGOs, private security groups, and faith-based initiatives in UKR you are strongly encouraged to be very aware of your surroundings in regards to human trafficking and sex trafficking. If you see something wrong, say something to uniformed soldiers or military personnel of the UKR or any NATO country. The women and young victims, both male and female of organized crime syndicates are seen as assets and revenue streams and will be protected, most likely via evacuation. Be smart and go with your gut feeling if you see something wrong.

Cont. Intelligence Volunteer Brief TWO UKR MON 28 FEB 22; TYPED 1620 HRS MON 28 FEB 22; 0150 HRS AFGT TUE 1 MAR 22; As of today, MON 28 FEB 22 The International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor has announced interest in war crimes investigations being opened. Please contact the email address below with a brief of your war crimes story and it will be forwarded to the appropriate authorities via proper channels.

There are several other kinetic items that place UKRCITs and volunteers at risk. These include cluster munitions which are banned under the Geneva Convention and reports of explosive devices that look like toys. Confirmed reports show that UKR soldiers have found banned cluster bombs with butterfly “Lepestok” mines in the Kharkiv region. Although their size and color vary, looking like a finger with wings, there explosion can take your leg off. ATTENTION PARENTS, THESE LOOK LIKE TOYS AND ATTRACT THE INTEREST OF CHILDREN. PLEASE WATCH OUT FOR THESE DEVICES.


Intelligence Volunteer Brief TWO (AFG) SAT 26 FEB 22; TYPED 2300 HRS SAT 26 FEB 22; 0830 HRS AFGT SUN 27 FEB 22; (THIS REPORT IS FOR GENERAL RELEASE). Confidence Level Medium. The following is a recent press release of the National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan. “The National Islamic Movement for the Liberation of Afghanistan is expanding rapidly against the Taliban. After Ghazni and Nangarhar now, fighters have now announced their presence in Kunar province, threatening to clear several districts of the province from the control of the Taliban. The National Islamic Movement for the Liberation of Afghanistan (ANF), with its professional military fighters, has risen from the ranks of the former government's armed forces and is growing stronger against the Taliban terrorist group. The National Islamic Movement for the Liberation of Afghanistan urges all young people in every corner of the country to prepare for a legitimate defense against this vampire group due to the crimes of the Taliban terrorist group. We will soon launch a large-scale operation against these foreign intelligence spies and liberate the homeland from the Taliban. National Islamic Movement for the Liberation of Afghanistan. MNZ”. “Quotes” are their exact words.


25 February 2022

-- Afghanistan: Terrorist Occupation -- Intelligence Volunteer Brief ONE FRI 25 FEB 22; TYPED 1800 HRS FRI 25 FEB 22; 0330HRS AFGT SAT 26 FEB 22; (THIS REPORT IS FOR GENERAL RELEASE).

Confidence Level Medium. The following comes from multiple sources, some very credible and some new. "Taliban government spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid confirmed in a statement that the "clearing operation" had begun with the participation of three security agencies of the Ministries of Defense, Interior, and Taliban Intelligence in KBL and neighboring provinces. In recent days, there have been reports of hundreds of Taliban troops and equipment being sent to Panjshir province, as well as videos posted on social media showing house-to-house searches by Taliban forces in Kabul, Khair Khana, Bamyan, Kapisa, Parwan and Panjshir provinces north of the capital."

Within KBL proper there have been active searches by Taliban and confirmed Badri 313 Battalion activities in multiple districts included but no limited to Districts four (4), eleven (11), twelve (12), fifteen (15), and seventeen (17). In some areas trained intelligence personnel have confirmed that EVERY home is being searched in continuous lines and that metal detectors are being used in searches for weapons and ammunition of multiple types. These are expanding and many leaders and intelligence sources suggest that these attacks will increase in ferocity as much of the world media is paying attention to the war in Ukraine, suggesting that there are no rules.

Via trained ANA informants we were informed of districts blanketed in checkpoints, where the Taliban are checking IDs. The Taliban have/are visiting unregistered guest houses and what they deem as suspicious homes. At these homes, they ask for registration documents and the documents for individuals in the houses/homes. The Taliban appear to be doing this in a search for members or supporters of ISIS Khorasan (ISIS K), or anyone connected to or participating in any form of the AFG Resistance. As of early this AM AFGT FRI 25 FEB 22, much of District Four (4) and nearly all of KBL District Eleven (11) was surrounded by Badri 313 Battalion.


Intelligence Volunteer Brief TWO FRI 25 FEB 22; TYPED 2100 HRS FRI 25 FEB 22; 0630HRS AFGT SAT 26 FEB 22; (THIS REPORT IS FOR GENERAL RELEASE). Confidence Level Medium. The following comes from multiple sources, some very credible.

In the last several days there have been many female activists, community leaders, journalists, and the like seized by the Taliban and other like groups throughout AFG. Some recorded actions have involved arrests, beatings, sexual assaults, and torture. This is not a warning to stop your freedom of speech and expression in relation to personal political, religious, or social beliefs. Quite the contrary, as this is just a reminder to practice your rights in smart manners, as spies are known to be dispatched by the Taliban and like groups to search for women who are leaders and therefore considered “troublemakers.” Trust few persons. And remember that there is a network of physical and mental health professionals who are available to assist victims of any crime or emotional duress and we will do our best to link you if these services are needed.


4 February 2022

Afghan Feminists Raped-Tortured-Murdered, President Biden Unconcerned.

Some of you may remember this video released on twitter, Tamana Paryani recorded the terrifying moments before Taliban forces took her from her home.

"The Taliban have assassinated 15 women's rights activists in Balkh," she says. "In just one month, the bodies of 15 women have been transferred to the Abu Ali Sina Balkhi District Hospital in Mazar-i-Sharif. International organizations have blamed the Taliban for these killings."

"This one is on you, President Biden. You have forever stained our honor and our standing in the world."

-- Afghan Feminists Raped-Tortured-Murdered, President Biden Unconcerned: Phyllis Chesler is an Emerita Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies at the City University of New York (CUNY), Senior IPT Fellow, and a Fellow at MEF and ISGAP. -- Investigative Project on Terrorism, 4 February 2022.

9 January 2022

Afghanistan Humanitarian Needs Overview 2022

The deteriorating context and an increase in population estimates (now 41.7 million people) have combined to leave a projected 24.4 million people in humanitarian need in 2022, up from 18.4 million people at the start of 202. These humanitarian needs estimates were calculated using the Joint Inter-sectoral Analysis Framework or JIAF approach, which looks holistically at the needs facing people in Afghanistan and measures the severity of these needs using a series of inter-sectoral indicators. The JIAF inter-sectoral analysis of needs revealed that there are needs in every province of the country. With extreme need in 29 out of 34 provinces and the rest in severe need, with almost all population groups of concern present in every province (except refugees who are centred in Khost and Paktika).

28 December 2021

20 December 2021

In an open letter to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, the International Bar Association (IBA) expressed grave concern over the Taliban take-over of the Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (AIBA) and has appealed for the ‘unparalleled voice’ of the UN to publicly:

  • Denounce the violation of the independence of the legal profession;
  • Raise concern about the appropriation of the AIBA database, which includes details relating to AIBA registered lawyers, staff and committee members; and
  • Condemn the seizure of the AIBA bank account and forfeiture of funds.

15 December 2021

NATO Collective Defense: UN General Assembly Crisis Discussions led by H-II Stephen Michael Apatow, President of the UN NGO Humanitarian Resource Institute, H-II OPSEC Expeditionary Operations and Member, International Bar Association War Crimes Committee.

Afghanistan Atrocities Reports

20 years, Post 911 Failure

Paid with the blood of 7000 KIA and over 150,000 Veterans suicides (United States, not 30,NATO Country, Iraqi/Afghanistan inclusive), is best illustrated by the Role of Afghanistan as a terrorist safehaven, supplier of 90% of the worlds opium supply (that contributed to 100,000 overdose deaths in 2020), methamphetamine production and human trafficking.

My Vantage Point: Director - Year 2000: Global Infrastructure Analysis and Contingency Planning. -- Humanitarian Resource Institute served as the leader in this initiative in cooperation with the International Y2K Cooperation Center, the U.S. Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem and the President's Council on Y2K.?The positive response of the international community to these initiatives has been attributed to the successful Year 2000 Conversion.

Special thanks to Kay Collett Goss, CEM.?Kay was Assoc. FEMA Director (1994-2001) during the 90's, when HRI set up the National City/County Emergency Management Support Network (1994), International Disaster Information Network (1999), to assist FEMA with global remediation efforts for Y2K.?In 2011, IDIN transitioned to the Global Special Operations Network: Intelligence - Defense - Interpol - LEO Fusion Support for complex emergencies that were beyond governmental capabilities, UN, NGO, and relief organizations.

4 December 2021

Statement on Afghanistan - H-II Stephen Michael Apatow, President of the UN NGO Humanitarian Resource Institute, H-II OPSEC Expeditionary Operations and Member, International Bar Association War Crimes Committee, 19 November 2021.

An estimated 22.8 million people — more than half the population — are expected to face potentially life-threatening levels of food insecurity, according to an analysis by the U.N. World Food Program and Food and Agriculture Organization. Of those, 8.7 million people are nearing famine — the worst stage of a food crisis. -- Facing Economic Collapse, Afghanistan Is Gripped by Starvation: NYT, 6 December 2021.

Afghan households and businesses in about a third of the country have been hit by blackouts after electricity pylons in the northern province of Baghlan were blown up. The utility, Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), said three pylons carrying 220 KW of electricity imported from neighboring Uzbekistan had been destroyed on Sunday, cutting power in 11 of the country’s 34 provinces, including the capital, Kabul. (Reuters, 16 September 20201) - In conjunction with terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure, Afghanistan could be face country wide blackouts this winter because Taliban rulers haven’t paid Central Asian electricity suppliers or resumed collecting money from consumers. (WSJ, 3 October 2021).

International Humanitarian and Security Emergency

193 UN member countries reflect upon crimes associated with turning over Afghanistan to National Counterterrorism Classified transnational terrorists, as the country transitions to command and control of global terrorist operations, with access to Weapons of Mass Destruction raising the terrorist threat level to catastrophic.

Blood and Treasure wasted -- Veterans suicides spiral as 7000 KIA and over 150,000 veterans die for nothing, as populations in both Iraq and Afghanistan turned over to terrorists. -- Gen. Martin: Afghanistan war veterans are hurting and taking their own lives at high rates: NATO Collective Defense Crisis Discussion.

Terrorist Groups Involved with Invasion and Occupation of Afghanistan

State Sponsors of Terrorism

Countries determined by the Secretary of State to have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism are designated pursuant to three laws: section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act, section 40 of the Arms Export Control Act, and section 620A of the Foreign Assistance Act. Taken together, the four main categories of sanctions resulting from designation under these authorities include restrictions on US foreign assistance; a ban on defense exports and sales; certain controls over exports of dual use items; and miscellaneous financial and other restrictions.

Designation under the above-referenced authorities also implicates other sanctions laws that penalize persons and countries engaging in certain trade with state sponsors.

To designate a country as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, the Secretary of State must determine that the government of such country has repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism. Once a country is designated, it remains a State Sponsor of Terrorism until the designation is rescinded in accordance with statutory criteria.

A wide range of sanctions are imposed as a result of a State Sponsor of Terrorism designation, including:

  • A ban on arms-related exports and sales
  • Controls over exports of dual-use items, requiring 30-day Congressional notification for goods or services that could significantly enhance the terrorist-list country’s military capability or ability to support terrorism
  • Prohibitions on economic assistance
  • Imposition of miscellaneous financial and other restrictions

Rewards for Justice

Legal system in Afghanistan taken over by terrorists, as glob al law enforcement community focuses on arrest of terrorists on the international most wanted list.

Most Wanted

Al Qaeda

  • Ayman al-Zawahiri: Up to $25 Million Reward. -- Died July 31, 2022 (aged 71), Kabul, Afghanistan, Cause of death: Drone strike.




Abdul Wali: Up to $3 Million Reward.

Mangal Bagh: Up to $3 Million Reward.

Hostages in Aghanistan

Cydney Mizell: In January of 2008, Cydney Mizell, a U.S. worker for a non-governmental organization, was abducted by unidentified gunmen in Kandahar City, Afghanistan, along with her driver. Mizell was likely killed by her captors in 2008 and may have been buried in the Kandahar area. The U.S. Department of State’s Rewards for Justice Program is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the location, recovery, and return of Cydney Mizell.

  • Mark Frerichs:?was kidnapped in early February 2020. At the time of his kidnapping, he resided in Kabul. He moved to Afghanistan in approximately 2010 and worked on construction projects throughout the country. The U.S. Department of State’s Rewards for Justice program is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the location, recovery, and return of Mark Frerichs.
  • Paul Edwin Overby, Jr.: In mid-May of 2014, Paul Edwin Overby, Jr., an American writer, disappeared in Khost Province, Afghanistan, where he was conducting research for a self-authored book. Prior to his disappearance, Overby suggested that he planned to cross the border into Pakistan in furtherance of his research. The U.S. Department of State’s Rewards for Justice program is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the location, recovery, and return of Paul Overby.

In The Bing News: Afghanistan Apatow

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Google: Country Goes Global -- H-II Merry Christmas from Afghanistan


Stephen M. Apatow

CEO, Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA)

H-II OPSEC Expeditionary Operations

Telephone: 203-668-0282

Email: [email protected]



Instagram: HIIOPSEC

InfraGard: FBI ID?10076335

Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) Constituent



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