The Reward of Implementation
Jason Pilgrim
Health Business Coach ? Business Growth Specialist ? Sales & Marketing ? International Presenter ? Best Selling Author ? International Businesses in Banking, Importing, Cosmetic Injecting & Travel
My favourite part of coaching people is watching them grow.??
Many coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs have a perfectionist mindset. Everything needs to be perfect, or it's not worth doing. So, they spend forever working out the knots and thinking about all of the things that could go wrong.
It's a good thing to make things perfect, but there's a problem with perfectionism. The more time you spend thinking and perfecting a particular project, the less time you spend on implementation.?
When you spend too much time picturing what a project is going to be like, too much time planning about how it should be done…?
There will be too little time making the right action.?
You make no progress.
You get stuck.
Let me tell you about one of the wins that one of our clients shared with me recently.
He believes that "you can't expect business to grow unless the owner takes action and works on himself magically."
The whole team implemented what they learned through our strategies and systems and not only grew the business by an additional $68,000 in 3 months, but in addition they managed to close a deal worth $36,400 in the next 4 months ahead as well.?
But here's the most significant part of the process.
They implemented what they learned as soon as possible.?
And once they had it implemented, they refined it at every opportunity until they got it to work.
Our client knew that they didn't have the system done perfectly when they put it into practice. But they did it anyway because they knew they had enough to start making progress.
They focused on moving forward even as they refined things and made the system better as they went along with the process.
The result gives a positive impact on all of them and the company.?
Perfection is the enemy of progress, success, and profitability.
Now, compare this to how the perfectionist does things.
They'd see that they don't have the system just right yet. So, they hold off on the implementation. And as a consequence, the business stalls while they're working on 'getting it right'.?
It might take them weeks, months, or even years to make it “perfect”. And during those times, the business hasn't made one step forward. No development.?
Taking action is crucial.
Implementation is essential.
The first rule of working with our industry leading clients is to be Quick to Implement.
And by taking action, we either win, or we learn— there's no losing.
?The only time you lose is when you stop taking action.
Talk Soon,
Jason ‘Driven to see you succeed’ Pilgrim
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your health business.
1. Grab a free copy of my book.
It’s the roadmap to The 7 Essentials of Building A Successful Health Business.?
2. Join The Profitable Practice and connect with leading health professionals who are scaling too.
It’s our new free Facebook community where super smart health professionals learn to get more mastery, money and freedom.
3. Join our Pilot Program and be a Case Study.
I’m putting together a new health business case study group at The Profitable Practice this month… Stay tuned for details. If you’d like to work with me on your business growth and scale plans… just send me a message with the words, “Pilot Program”.
4. Work with me and my team privately.
If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take you from 6 to 7 figures… just send me a message with the word, “Private”… and tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!